Chapter 3

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I cover my head as lightign strikes in the middle of the square. I squit my eyes as the lighting flashes a brighter light in the middle of the square. The winds pick up and open the store doors. Goose bumps appear on my skin from the cold. I shut my eyes untill I feel nothing.

I slowly open my eyes to a clean store and outside it looks like nothing happend. Well execpt a white portal looking thing in the middle of the square. The portal to the other world!

This thing should be shown to other people, not me! Without thinking I grab my wand and head towards the portal. I squint the closer I get. I am beside the portal and look both ways, just like you would a street. I take a deep breath and walk through the portal.

I blinding light makes me shut my eyes. I walk through and when I no longer feel any wind I open my eyes. I see green ground. Huh? Our ground is grey. All grey, no color. I feel something shine on me and makes me warm. Only white clouds at home. I remove my jacket and I look over to where the portal should be.

It is not there.

No! I begin looking around in panic mode. I walk along a path with little bumps along it. My sandles scrape against the road.

Up in a distance I see a town. Just like home! I run towards the town at a fast pace.

I walk onto the flat land and see many people milling around. I feel someone bump into me. I stumble forward.

"I am sorry. I didn't see you there!" A black haired boy said to me. A human.

"Oh, no. I am sorry for being invisable" I say sarcastically. The black haired green eye'd boy laughs. He holds out a hand.

"I'm Grant" He says. I place my small hand into his large one and shake it.

"Miranda" I say, still worrying about how late it is and how I have nowhere to go.

"You okay?" Grant asks me. I face him and he locks him gaze wth mine. I shake my head.

"I have nowhere to go. I am not from here" I decided against the thought of telling him i'm a wizard. He looks at me and then at our still joined hands. I quickly remove it from his grasp.

"Sorry" I mumble. He shakes his head.

"There is a motel down there" He says pointing to a direction. What the heck is a motel? "And a hotel down there" Again he pointed to another direction. What the heck is the diffrence? I look at him like he has 3 heads. He smirks.

"You are really not from here are you?" He asks, looking slightly amused. I shake my head and look down at my shoes.

"Hey, I like diffrent" He defends himself. I laugh quickly. I am still looking at the ground. He lightly lifts my chin with his hand. I look at him in shock. Nowon touches me, nowon. They say I am to high of a rank to touch. I remember he dosen't know about that stuff.

"Wanna stay with me? Promise I wont kill you durning the night! Well, at all really" He says, moving his hand to his side. I guess it is somewhere to stay.

"Thank you Grant" I say softly. He smiles. He waves me over to walk along a street.

"I guess I should tell you about myself. I am Grant Pine. I am 18, living alone. I have black hair and green eyes, I am a human. Some want a DNA test though." He winks. I smile. Is only he knew...

"Anyways, I enjoy drawing, I think I am pretty good. I don't party, and I have only a few friends. And I live here, in Californa" He finishes. I smile.

"Interesting" I say to his self speech. He looks over at me.

"Can you tell me about you?" He asks. I nod, he dosen't want to think i'll kill him.

"My name is Miranda Queen. I enjoy dance and music. I always get invited to partys, but I am always to busy to go. I don't have any friends" I say. Grant grabs my hand, interlocking our fingers, I go to pull away but he grips harder. Are all humans like this?

"I'll be your first friend, Miranda" He says, pulling me closer to his side. I look at his, a surprised expression on my face. I am sure I am braking all the rules, but I don't care he is is my friend.

"Okay. Thanks" I say, mumbling the last part. He rests his arms ontop of my shoulders like my brother does to me.

"No need to thank." He says. He goes over and starts to jump every step.

"Skip with me!" He says loudly. I raise my eyebrows.

"What the heck is skipping?" I ask, he laughs and jumps, or skips rather, over to me. Hr grabs my hand...Again

"Like this" He demenstates leading me down an ally. I skip with him and it turns out it is fun!

We arrive to what I guess is his house and he unlocks the door to a small, cozy house. SO much diffrent then me and my familys house. I really like it. I look around the warm home and see a love seat and a dinner table and 2 rooms, one bathroom, one bathroom. Wait? One bedroom? I look over at him.

"Do you want me to take the couch, Grant?" I ask him.

"Nah, I will" He says, No Grant! I am being polite.

"No, I can't do that. I came into your house, I can at least take the couch" I argue. He shakes his head.

"How about we share the bed?" He says. I look at him like he has grown 3 heads.  In Beast Land you are not to share a bed if it is not with a parthner. Or other wise known as a husbend or wife. He chuckles.

"Not allowed where your from?" He asks, I nod. He laughs harder. I raise my eyebrows at his doubled over look.

"Well it's okay here. And my bed is big enough" He says. I nod.

"Okay. I'll make dinner!" I say, running into the direction of his kitchen. I look around at the applinces. I am a very good chef. I take out my wand and magic up an array or spices and meats. I decide on making Roast Beef, mashed potatos, and corn.

WHen I finish I let Grant go to the kitchen. I may or may not have used a magic lock... Anyways he comes in and we start to eat.

"I haven't had a meal like this since I moved out. Thank you" He says.

"Your letting me stay in your house. Thank you!" I express.

"It has been awhile since I've had compeny" He says. I smile.

"Then I feel honored" I say dramaticlly. He smiles and we both finish our supper.

"I am tired" He annoces, I agree.

"Same here" I say, and yawn proving it. He laughs and hands me a shirt and some sweats.

"I'll have to take you shopping tomorrow." I shake my head, I can just magic clothes. But he will be suspicious.

"I insits." He says, I conced and nod.

"Fine" I say, I yawn again and he opens the blankets and I climb in. I am going to sleep with my new and only friend. Not weird at all.

"Good night, Miranda" He says, that was the last thing before I fell into a dreamless sleep.


Been awhile. I haven't really been busy, just lazy. Most of my updates will now be on the week ends, why? BECAUSE SCHOOL STARTED AGAIN!

Tomorrow is when it has a full day, and I am sad about that :( Check out my friend Liisa who just got an account and yeah: cupcakeworror...I think? She is one of my fans, just check there :)

WHat do you think of Grant? Any ideas who to play who here?

I got like 5 PM's about is Miranda going to fall in love with Gino. I DON'T KNOW!!! Well, I do, but you shall not know. Yet at least.

MeForLife OUT!!

PS: Dedication is for SomeOneWhoLoves1D, but that is a split account, this one is for Miranda. So I hope everyone enjoys, now, OFF TO RHYME AKA Make a new poem ;)

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