Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to My Oma, who is no longer with us. RIP. Almost 3 years ago she died, but always r

After the man left I looked over at the bookself to fin a book about SkinWalkers. I flipped open the book and read the first paragrah:

A Skinwalker (also known as shape shifter) is a person who is able to transform themselves into any animals in some beliefs and only one particular animal in others.The term "Skinwalker" originate in native american legends though there are plenty of other cultures that have there own version of shape shifters. Skinwalkers differ from werewolves because shape shifters have the ability to control where and when they transform.It has been known that if you look a skinwalker in the eye you will die. Skinwalkers are evil creatures,usually taking revenge on a certain person or family.

Well, um, that is not very good... Note to self: Don't look Darren in the eyes. I look down to the other paragrah.

In some Natice Amarican legends, a skin-walker is a person with the supernatural ability to turn into any animal he or she desires, though they first must be wearing a pelt of the animal, to be able to transform. Similar lore can be found in cultures throughout the world and is often referred to as shapeshifters by anthropologists.

Interesting. I close my eyes and focus on putting the book away: Please put the book away. Put it on the shelf I think. I open my eyes and see nothing there, but see the book in the shelf. I hear the bell ring and I jolt my head to that direction. I see a satyr come in.

"Hello, Welcome to Magic and more, How may I help you?" I ask, riciting the script my parents planted into my brain.

"Horn whitener?" He asks.

"This way" I say leading him to the shelf. On the way there he kicked the shelf with the ords on it. I see it tipping. It is like the world is going in slow motion.

Stop the shelf, Stop the ords. Place them back on the shelf and put it back like it was  I think over and over again. I see the shelf back in place. But I also see the orbs in peices on the floor. I curse under my breath. There was 12 orbs. 12 hours. It takes 1 hour to make each one. The satyr looks beside himself.

"I am so sorry" He says. Sorry! He is flipping sorry! He should be down on his knees begging for forgiveness!

"Just. Get. Out" I say, seperating each line carefully. He lookslike he was going to argue with me, but backed down because I was fumed! He carefully left me in my store.

I do my breathing exsersies slowly. In case you have not noticed I have a bit of a anger problem. I get really angery really fast. But, I can be really happy. I look down at the glass and used the spell I used before. I sweep my hands and recite the spell in my head.

I look down at the cleaned floor and empty shelf. I look outside and sigh. I will have to be up all night to finish re-making these. I groan.

I hear the bell ring and I look over at another wizard. A very handsom wizard. I recite my speech, once again. But this time adding my name.

"Hello, welcome to MAgic And More. I am Miranda, how can I help" I say in autotune. His head snaps towards me and smiles. I see dimples.

His blond hair in a short due. His thin shirt not hiding his abs and some baggy jeans. His gray twinklely eyes pireced mine. I saw a sign in his hand.

"Well, um, I saw this sign and, um, wanted to appy" He says. He is very famlier. I furrow my eyebrows.

Give me the sign, I want the sign

I think over again. I open my eyes and see it in front of me.

Help wanted: Magic and more. Must be wizard. Come inside for info

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