Update (Year 1?!)

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Hello guys! I deeply apologize, I am going to continue this story so no, this isn't a "omg I'm ending the story :(((" update.

Although I am not in the voltron fandom, this story is my lovechild of klance and I am still deeply in love with it, it's just that my school kept up with me and I couldn't keep creating more content, my arms are still full since I am in high school at this point so updates will be scarce but hopefully I will be able to continue this story I fell deeply in love with it.

I will continue this, be assured of that, I just need time. I will leave for Japan on the 13th of February and I will hopefully receive inspiration from the trip I will be going to. I'll be writing on the way there and back so be expecting 2-3 chapters!

Thank you all for your support and 3.8k views, it means a lot to me and I will continue this story guys, I just need time.

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