jan 17th?

7 0 0

I hope that's the date.. 😂

but anyways, I leave for louisiana tonight, which is pretty cool I guess, I'm very nervous to compete this weekend though, because who's not nervous to compete.

just hope god grants me the things I've asked/hoped for this weekend.

my heart wants to give so much love to this one person, but it's like my mind likes the idea of it, but it'll never let it happen, like it wants it, but at the same time it doesn't want that to happen because it may not last, but my brain wants something that'll last, I might just have to take that leap tomorrow and be with them, or tonight, I'm kinda nervous though, I'm not sure what kind of nervous, just nervous cause I want to be able to give them the world while dating them, I don't want them to feel worthless or anything, and I think my mind will hold me back from giving them the world, and it'll make them feel worthless. so ugh.

I don't know how to get my heart and mind on the same page, ever. it's like once in a blue moon they're on the same page.

but hopefully things just fall into place for louisiana and my team falls into first place, because we all want that, seriously we do.

so fingers crossed. !

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