april 15th

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sometimes I miss her, them, everyone.

but I know we're no longer speaking for good reasons, but sometimes I wish a text would come through from one of them. but at the same time I'm glad that it never does. because things didn't work out too well for a reason. and even though I wish some friendships had worked out, they didn't. which is okay, but I miss them, all of them. all the ones I used to speak to on a daily, but we're all doing our own things now, and living our own lives.. our busy, busy lives.

but I realized how far I've come as well, a few years ago, well even last year at this time, I didn't even see myself making it towards this year, and I didn't even see myself making it to the next day. I was so depressed because all I wanted was her, that's it, just her. no one else. and as she slipped between my fingers, I felt as if I couldn't live without her, but look at me now.. I'm doing it. hell, I'm even in a relationship, which I pray last forever because I want forever with this person, I do. I love them.

but, things get better, that's a true statement. I didn't believe it last year, but I held on, and things changed, the light started coming through after I had let go of some people in my life, even if I didn't want to. even if I wanted them to stay forever... things just had gotten lighter as they left my life.

but.. I also started eating healthy, and working out and I hope I stay committed because I want better things for myself. and starting with the way I take care of my organs and body on the inside is good because it'll change how I look/act on the outside ❤️.

hopefully all is well with everyone. and I hope you all are striving out there! because you deserve to be doing that 🥰❤️!

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