Chapter 4

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I slowly open my eyes as I hear faint beeps. I blink a few times to notice I was in a hospital room. I try to move when a sharp pain travels up my spine. I look over at the chairs to see Brennen and Troy. Troy looks up at me and smiles. He runs over and hugs me tightly. "Woah Troy careful" Jake says while walking to the room. I giggle. Brennen walks over to Troy and I and grabs my hand. He smiles with a few tears escaping his eyes. "I'm so sorry" he says.
"Its okay, it's not even that bad." I explain to him while looking at all of the bandages. There was a long white bandage that covered my forearms.
" Ms Valentine?" A Nurse walks into the room, I give her all of my attention as she explains that I can go home tonight. I smile in excitement, I hate hospitals.
We get ready to go back to Brennens to get dinner. "Colby is having his party  tomorrow night, I told him you weren't feeling well. I did t know if you wanted me to tell hi. About--"
"Its fine Brennen thank you" I interrupt him, not meaning to.
Once we get to Brennens it was almost 8:30pm. I got Troy dressed in some Star Wars pjs and I got changed into black baggy sweatpants with a black tank top. I follow Troy out to the livingroom to see Brennen on his computer. "Whatcha doin" Troy asks while skipping over to him. "I'm editing a really awesome video" Brennen explains. "Fun. I was gonna see if.... I could play a game" Troy stutters. "Sure buddy, I have to talk to Neaveh anyway" he explains while saving everything and finding a game for Troy. Once he finds a game he shows Troy how to play and we went into the room Troy and I are staying.
"Earlier your mom said something about Troy being your son.... is that true?" He asks. I feel my heart begin to pick up its pace. "Yes."I whisper.
"I had him when I was 15. It was when I was raped by my dads bestfriend's son. He was 17. When I found out I was pregnant I kept him a secret for as long as I could, then I got bigger, my dad started to notice." My voice begins to crack Brennen takes my hand in his. "When dad began to get the hint he talked to mom about it and he wanted to kick me out, but mom told him no, that night mom came into my room and told me that when the baby is born I am to call the baby my sibling. When he was born I secretly signed the certificate saying hes my son. Soon my dad found out and he left, his excuse was he couldn't take my lying" at this point I had tears running down my face. "Its okay" he hugs me and runs circles in my back.
"I'm sorry you had to go through that"
I wipe away my tears and stand up from the bed. "I want to live a better life. I want to give Troy a better life" I explain. "I'm willing to do whatever it takes" I smile. We go back out to the living room and to see Troy was half awake playing on the computer. I look up at the clock on the wall to see it was 9:00pm I walk over to Troy to see he was playing some game that had to do with building. "Its about time for bed Troy, you can play tomorrow okay?"I whisper to him. "Okay" Brennen walks over to the other side of Troy and helps him down. "Goodnight Brennen and thank you for letting me play" he says. I smile, picking him up and taking him to the room. I lay him down on the bed and coverd him, I get on the bed on the  other side and covered up with a separate blanket. "Good night Troy" I say before reaching over to the lamp on the nightstand beside me and turning it off. "Goodnigbt Neveah" was the last thing I heard before sleep took over my whole body.
   I woke up hearing a bunch of guys talking, I heard Brennen, Jake, and 2 unfamiliar voices. I look beside me to notice Troy was still asleep. I carefully get out of bed in hope to not wake him up. He gets really bad nightmares throughout the night and he'll wake me up and we'll talk about it.  I open my suit case

I pull out black skinny jeans  and a blue short with some faded letters and picture on it. I get dressed and grabbed my tooth brush and toothpaste and walked out of the room. On my way to the bathroom I seen a guy, about 5'9 and longish blonde hair.  Next to him was a guy that stood about 5'11 with longer brown hair. "Goodmorning Neaveh" Brennen says to me and everyone turns to face me. I smile and run into the bathroom closing the door behind me. I take a couple deep breaths before locking the door and going over to the sink to brush my teeth.
Brennens POV.
"Is she okay?" Sam asks
"Yeah, she is, she just had a rough few  nights" I say quietly while remembering that night.
"Oh." Sam whispers.
"Is that the Neaveh you were talking to me about?"Colby asks
" yeah" I smile.
" Shes so small" he says in shock.
"Yeah, she doesn't eat that much. It makes me worried" I say before Neaveh walk out of the bathroom.
Neavehs POV.
I walked out of the bathroom with my heart beating out of my chest. Why am I scared?
I take my tooth brush and toothpaste back to the room and walked back out. Brennen walks towards me with a cheesy smile on his face.
"Neaveh, this is Sam" he says while pointing gesturing towards the blonde guy. His light blonde hair covers his forehead.
"And this is Colby" he adds while gesturing towards the dark brown hair guy. His hair also covers his forehead but it was thicker.
I give them a small smile while playing with the end of my long blonde hair.
"This is Colby, the guy that's having the party tonight?"I ask quietly
"Yup."Brennen replied. We all move to the kitchen table and talked about the party. I look over to my left to see Troy walking out of the room while rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes.
He runs over to me and climbs onto my lap. Colby notices. "Who's this?"he asks. "This is Troy" Brennen says. "Brennen, can I play on your computer again, that one fun game" Troy asks. I giggle at his cuteness. Troy and I never had electronics like that, we only had a home phone. Brennen introduced him to the computer and the TV and he was fascinated by it.
"How about after breakfast" Brennen replies. Troy nods his head understanding. "Do you want to go out for breakfast?" Brennen asks.
"Yes" Troy said while bouncing up and down a few times.  Troy looks up at me and whispers in my ear. "Who are the other guys?" He turns to face the other guys and I point out who is. "This Sam, and this Colby, they're friends with Brennen"
"Brennen is my friend... does that mean they're my friends too"
He asks. " you can ask if you want"i whisper to him. "Um can we be friends?"Troy asks them.
"Yes, we can" Colby replies while Brennen was talking to Sam.
"You can be friends with Neaveh too, shes really nice" Colby chuckles and looks up at me.
"Can I pick out my outfit for today " Troy asks me.
"Yeah"i smile looking down at him. Troy gets up and grabs my hand, I follow him into the room and he runs over to his suit case.  "I think I'll wear this" he says holding up a pair of jeans  and a shirt that said Three on it.

"Looks good to me" I smile. I help him get dressed and put on his tennishoes.
Brennen knocks on the door and walks in. "You guys ready to go?"he asks. Troy jumps up and down "Yes" he runs over to Brennen ,and Brennen picks him up. I stand up and giggle. " yeah we're ready"
We all walk outside and and got into the car. Sam and Colby get into a small red car and Troy, Brennen ,And I got into Brennens Truck. "So I got a car seat for Troy" Brennen says as he opens the truck door. "Brennen you do so much for us, you took us in, let us stay with you, and you didnt have to do it." After he gets Troy in the truck and shuts the door he turns to face me. " I did it cause you're my best friend. I care about you and Troy" he pulls me into a hug and I hug  him back. "Thank you for everything "I say
"You're welcome" we pull away and got int the truck. 
"So Colby suggested we go to this new place down the road" Brennen  says, breaking the silence. "Okay" I reply.
Once we get there I get out of the truck and shut the door behind me, I open the back door to get try and get Troy out. " do you need help?"I hear a deeper voice ask. I turn around to see Colby. "Um... yeah, thank you" I get out of truck and Colby gets in, he unbuckled Troy and helps him out. I smile and Troy grabs my hand. We walk into the restaurant and we let Troy pick the table. It was a black round table with tall chairs. I pick Troy up and set him in his seat. Brennen sat next to Troy and Colby and Sam sat next to Colby and me.  A waitress comes to the table and hands us our menus. "What would you like to drink"she asks us. "I'll take a water" Brennen says. "I'll take the same thing" Colby answers. "Ill take a Dr Pepper" Sam follows. " I'll take a water" I answer quietly. "And what would you like?"she asks Troy. "I'll take a chocolate milk" he says. The lady takes our order and leaves. I look a the menus and decided to get an pancake with some bacon. I look over at Troy's menu to see what he was gonna get. "Can I get this" he asks while pointing at some eggs and sausage. " yeah that looks good. " I reply.
A few minutes later the waitress comes back to take out order. Brennen orders some eggs, bacon, and sausage; Colby orders almost the same thing but with toast, and Sam orders the same as Brennen.
We soon get our food and began to eat. I eat a little bit at a time. I was half way through my food when everyone else finished. "That was so good" Brennen leans back in his chair and runs his stomach. I push my plate away from me and agreed with him. Brennen paid the bill and we all went outside. Sam and Colby get in the small red car and Troy, Brennen and I get in Brennens tall white truck. Brennen starts the truck and turns on some music. "So how do feel about Sam and Colby?" Brennen asks out of the blue. I look at him confused. "They're very nice, why are you asking" I reply.
"I dont know, you  just seemed iffy about them this morning"
"Oh, well there was random people standing in your livingroom and I didnt know who they were" I explain to him.
"Oh, I'm sorry" he looks at me then back at the road. "Hey buddy Troy, how do you feel about Sam and Colby"   Brennen looks up at the rear view mirror. " I like them, they're nice" he replies. Brennen pulls into the parking lot and parks the truck.  Sam and Colby came running up to the truck and opened Brennens door "bro, someone broke into your appartment" Colby says while breathing heavily. Brennen jumps out of the truck and so do I.
"Sam, Colby can you stay with Troy?"I ask and they both nod, i run after Brennen and up to his appartment, the door was clearly kicked in and the apartment was trashed. "What the -"
I walk inside and Brennen grabs my wrist "dont go in there"he says
I pull away and walk inside.
I carefully explore the apartment inch by inch. It was all trashed, broken glass was everywhere, cupboards and drawers were opened.
I walk Into the room Troy and I were staying to see someone standing by the window, looking out.

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