chapter 5.

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"Dad?"I ask. I feel someone grab my wrist, I look behind me to see Brennen.
"What are you doing here?"I ask.
"I came to get you and Troy" he answers in his deep raspy voice.
"That doesn't give you the right to destroy Brennens apartment" I say
He turns around and walks up to me.
"Your mother really taught you nothing" he shakes his head and looks at me up and down. I then began to smell alcohol. " I'm 18. Im an adult, you leave Troy and I alone" I say Brennen let's go of my wrist and steps in between my dad and I.
"Get the hell out of my apartment before I call the police"
"I just came for my daughter and son"
"Hes not your son"i say walking in front of Brennen.
"Didnt your mother teach you anything?"he slurs grabbing my shoulders and pinning me to the wall.
" What happened to you?"I ask while giving Brennen a sign that I'm okay.
"I missed my babygirl" he explains.
" if you missed me then you wouldn't have left me with my mother, you knew she treating me horrible, you knew she abused Troy and I "
I try to blink away the tears.
" you're drunk dad, I can smell it" I add.
I push away from him and walked outside. I whipped away the tears as more fell. I look up to see Colby and that's when I broke. I ran to him and hugged him ,He rubs his hand in circles, hugging me back.
I turn around hearing a door slam.
"Why the hell are you staying here with this Douchbag anyway?"
Brennen soon follows grabbing my dad by the shoulder.
" I was more of a father to her then you ever were"
After Brennen said that Dad swings and punches Brennen in the face.
I run over to Sam know that Troy cant see this.
"Sam take Troy back to your place please. I dont want him to see this."
"Yeah" he takes Troy to the car.
Colby runs to help Brennen.
"Dad, he has nothing to do with this, I left cause I was tired of mom beating Troy" I cry. "I left to save Troy, he doesn't deserve that life."
Dad walks up to me and pushes me up again Brennens truck. "You need to learn that we're you're family, we're trying to teach you" he says.
"TEACH ME WHAT? what is that you're trying to teach me? That I'm nothing? That I'm worthless? Because I get it, I want to die, but I can't, I cant leave Troy" I cry forgetting about where I was, who was listening. I look to my right to see Brennen and Colby. "I stayed for Troy, who might I add, is my son. I stayed for my child unlike you" I push him away and walked away. I dont know where I'm going, and I dont care. I dont look back.
Colbys POV

When Neaveh walked away her dad got in his car and left.
"What the hell happened?"I ask
" alot of crap happened to her, shes been through alot" Brennen explains getting into the drivers side of his truck. I get in the passenger side and shut the door behind me.
"Let's go find her" Brennen says, starting up the truck and pulling out of the parking lot.
We drive around for an hour until I seen a girl walking in the street. She was so skinny, long brown hair reaching the end of her back. The wind blew her hair slightly. We grew closer when I see it was Neaveh. "Brennen , that's Neaveh" he pulls over and I get out of the truck chasing after her. "NEAVEH" I yell out. She stops and turns around.
Neavehs POV.
I stop when i hear my name being yelled out by a familiar voice. I turn around to see Colby and Brennen. Brennen comes up to me and hugs me. "I'm so glad you're okay" he let's go and Colby hugs me too. "I'm sorry you guys had to see that, Brennen, I'll clean up your apartment."I apologize.
"Its okay, and you dont have to" we all hug again and walk to Brennens truck. I sit in the back and Colby sits in the front while Brennen drives.

Neaveh POV.
My father had changed so much. Yes he was abusive too, but not as bad as my mom. I look out the window as I feel my heart begin to shatter. I have no one. I have nobody but Troy, I can hardly take care of him. I begin to shed a few tears. I hold my hand over my mouth so nobody could hear me.
"You guys can stay at our place for as long as you need, we can come over tomorrow afternoon and help clean if you want" Colby says as he looks over at Brennen.
"Thanks man"
I look around to see we were in a small neighborhood full of bigger houses. We pull up to one that had a gate in the front.
Colby gets out and walks to the side of the gate opening a small box and putting in some numbers causing the gate to open. Brennen pulls in and parks next to a few other cars. I look behind me to see the gate closing. "Theres a few other people that live here, they're all very nice" Brennen say turning to face me. "Itll be okay"
Suddenly my door opens to reveal Sam and Troy. "NEAVEH" Troy screams. I jump down out if the truck and hug Troy. "Why were you crying?"he asks wiping the tears off my cheeks. "I was just sad, but I'm okay now"i tell him. "Okay."he hugs me again. "Come meet the dogs, Neveah, they have dogs, 2 dogs" he shows me the number 2 on his fingers. I smile at his cuteness. "Okay" I pick him up and follow the boys inside this huge house. When we enter I put Troy down and he takes off running to some room. A few minutes later 2 dogs came running over, a medium size black dog and a small brown dog. "This is Navi" Colby says while petting the black dog. "And this Buddy" Troy says while petting the small brown dog. I let them both sniff me before I pet them. "Come meet the others."Colby says. He takes me into the kitchen area to find a guy with a man bun. He had more muscle built than Colby. "This is Corey" he says. As if on cue he turns around and smiles, showing his white teeth. Sticking his hand out, I di the same, shaking his hand. "Nice to meet you, and you are?"he asks. "Neaveh" i reply quietly.
"I'm Jake" said another guy, about the same size as Colby; he had pinkish purple hair. "Neveah" I say shaking his hand too. I look up at Colby and he smiles. I smile back. "You guys all live here?"I ask. "Yeah, about 6 in total" Jake says. "Wow" I reply.
"Let's go meet the others "Colby says. We walk up some stairs revealing a long hall way. In front of us there was 2 doors. Behind us, in the hall, was a few rooms, and the right side was a couple more rooms. We walk to the room with 2 doors and Colby knocks. "Devyn? You in here?" He calls out.
"Yeah come in" a girl calls out.
We walk in to reveal a giant room.
This girl Devyn was sitting at a desk. She has medium long brown hair. She was about as small as me. Shes very pretty. "Devyn, this is Neaveh" Colby says. She sets down a makeup brush and looks over at us. "Hey, it's nice to meet you" she says standing up and came over to hug me. I awkwardly hug her back and giggle. "She'll be staying for a couple days here."Colby says. "Okay, itll be nice to have another girl around for a while" the door behind us opens and Corey walks in. "Hey babe have you seen my cowboy hat?"
"Its in the closet" Devyn giggles.
"Ready to meet Aaron?" Colby asks. I nod my head and wave bye to Devyn and Corey. We walk out and head down to the left of the hallway. We walk into the door on the left. Aaron, you awake?"Colby asks. "Yeah, what's up?" This guys asks. He walks up to the door towering over Colby and I. "This is Neaveh" Colby says. "Hey, I'm Aaron" he says, sticking out his hand like Corey did. I smile and shake his hand. "Shes gonna be staying here for a few days" Colby explains. After talking with him for a bit I learned he does some singing videos for YouTube. I told him loved to sing, and he asked if I wanted to do a duet with him sometime.
We left Aaron's room and went to Colbys room. He had sticky notes covering his walls. To the left there was a small grayish couch at the end of his bed. In the corner in front of me was a desk with a laptop and pictures. I walk over to look at the pictures. There was some with him and Sam and some with I'm guessing his family. "That's my family and I. They live back home in Kansas" Colby says behind me. "Beautiful family" I say.
I see the picture down and turn around to face Colby. "I'm sorry about today" I say out of the blue. "My dad was drunk." I explain. Colby takes me over to the couch and we sat and talked. It felt good to talk to him. I told him about my mom, about what happened and why I took Troy to Brennens. "Itll be okay" he says, we hug it. Then it hits me.... the party is tomorrow... I pull away from Colby and began to think. Troy cant be here.... where would he go? Maybe Lisa's. I can see if her or Jake can watch him. What if they're busy?
"What's wrong" Colby asks. I stand up and pace back and forth. "Where will Troy be tomorrow... isnt your party tomorrow?"I ask. Colby stands up and comes up to me. "Its okay, Brennen asked Lisa if she could watch him and shes fine with it. Brennens gonna drop him off over there in the morning" he explains. I heart beat begins to slow down. How does Colby do this? He knows how to keep me calm, he makes me feel safe. He makes me feel okay.
"Do you need anything to wear for tonight?" Corey asks as he walks in without knocking. "Um.... yeah"
"Devyn may have something" Corey explains. We walk back to his room to see Devyn going through the closet. "I have some sweatpants" she says as she walks out. "And a old shirt" she adds. "Thank you" I say taking the clothes. I head back to Colbys room and he stands outside the door. "Let me know when youre done" he tells me. I change my pants and tied the string that was in the front. I took off my shirt and changed into the old shirt Devyn let me use. I pick up my clothes and put them on the couch. "I'm done" I say and he walks in. "I have a question, you dont have to answer if you dont want to, but is Troy really your son?"he asks. My heartbeat begins to pick up its pace.
"Um. Yeah I had him when I was 15" i look down at my hands and take a deep breath "I was raped" I add.
I didnt notice that a few tears fell until Colby came over and lifted up my chin with his finger. He wipes away the fallen tears and hugs me gently. "I'm so sorry"
"I just met you today, and you've already seen what I went through my whole life, I've told you all the crap I went through, I feel like I've known you for awhile. Brennen talks about you alot" I smile at the last part. "Are you guys a thing?"I ask pulling away from the hug. "No- no. We're just really close friends" he laughs.
We spent a few more hours talking until Troy came up stairs. "Neaveh?"he calls out "in here buddy" I reply to him. He gently opens the door and runs up to me. "Brennen say he is sleeping downstairs" he says "okay" I smile. "Hi Colby" Troy stutters. "Hi Troy." Colby smiles. Troy looks around and spots the computer on Colbys desk. "Can I play on the computer" he asks Colby.
Colby looks over at me to see if it's okay with me. I look over at the window to see the sun had set. "How about tomorrow? It's getting late" I tell him. "Okay"he tells me. "So where are you sleeping tonight?" Colby asks me. "Not to sound like a creep, I'm sorry" he assures me. "No it's fine, and I dont know yet."i reply while watching Troy look around the room. "If you dont have anywhere you can sleep on the couch or the bed in here, I'm going out with a few friends tonight and I'll be home late" he tells me. I look up at him. "Thank you."
"You guys have dont so much for me, I dont deserve this" I tell him. "Its okay."he smiles. I smile back at him. "Neaveh?"Troy asks.
"Are you mom?"I asks while playing with the string on one of Colbys shoes.
I look down at my hands not know how to answer his question. Troy has always been a smart boy. He learned how to talk quickly, he walked before he was 1. He talked when he was 1 and it slowly got clear on what he was saying. "Come here" I tell him. He stands up and sits on my lap. "This is something hard to talk about because you're only 3" I explain. " Troy, I am your mom, and the lady we moved away from is nana" I tell him.
He looks down at his chubby little fingers. He nods his head trying to understand. "Okay" he tells me.
After a while of talking to Colby and watching Troy play. Colby soon left and I got ready to put Troy to bed.
I lay Troy on the inside of the bed and I laid on the outside. "Goodnight mommy" I hear Troy say. I smile and a few happy tears fell down my cheeks.
"I love you Troy" I tell him. Soon I heard his little snores. I turn around and wrapped my arm around him. Hes my world. I'd do anything to keep him safe, and that's what I plan to do.

Sorry about the late update. Hope you enjoy it this chapter. I'll try and get the next one up on Sunday or Monday.

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