Chapter 6

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Colbys POV

I get home from going out with Elton for a 3am challenge. I pull into the small driveway and shut my car off. What a long night. I look at the time on my phone to see it was 4am.
I unbuckle and opened my door, grabbing my keys and getting out of the car. I look over at the porch to see Neaveh. I shut the door and walking up to her. "Hey, you okay?"I ask. She looks up and her eyes were puffy and red, she'd been crying.
She shakes her head and hugs me, "Colby I am so sorry, we hardly know each other, you've seen me at nothing but the worst" she cries. I began to rub circles in her back in attempt to help her feel okay. "Its okay, I seen good, you're doing everything you can do to keep your son safe" we pull away and she wipes away her fallen tears. Shes such a beautiful person, Inside and out, spending the day with her I seen alot of sides to her. Shes a nice person, shes just been through alot. I bring her inside and we sit at the table in the kitchen.
"So.... what did you go do?"she asks as I set my phone down on the table,and sitting in the chair across from her. "I was doing a 3am challenge for a friends YouTube video" I explain.
"Oh. Sounds like fun"
"So, today i have to film a video for my channel, and i decided that I'm gonna do a vlog thing, would you like to be in it?" I ask. She looks up at me then back at her hands. "Um sure"
Neavehs POV

"Um Sure" I reply to Colby. I've been around Brennen for a long time to know what YouTube is, if it wasnt for him, I wouldn't know, mom isolated us more after I got pregnant with Troy, she got rid of the TV, and changed our homephone. "Okay. I'm gonna start maybe around 9." He
explains. I nod indicating that I was listening. We talk for a few hours before Aaron comes down stairs. "Goodmorning guys" he says after yawning. "Morning" Colby says. I smile at Aaron as we walks past me.
The morning was pretty chill. I hung out with Colby and Aaron until Aaron had to leave to go to a meeting. "What time is it?"I ask Colby. He takes out his phone and pushes a button, making the screen light up. "8:00" he replies
"I should go see if Troy is up" I say standing up and stretching. "I'll come with you"he follows behind me as we make our way up to his room. I open the door, making it make a loud creek sound. I peek in to see he was still asleep. I step back and shut the door. "Hes still asleep."I say breaking the silence. We walk down stairs and to the kitchen. I sit down on one of the chairs and Colby walked over to the cupboards looking through them. "Well there's nothing here for breakfast, would you like to go out for breakfast?"he asks while walking over to the chair across from me. "Uh, sure" I answer. We go to Colbys room and he grabs his clothes and heads to the bathroom. I get dressed and wake Troy up. "Hey buddy, Colby and I are gonna go get breakfast, wanna go"?I ask. He smiles and drips the covers off him and jumps out of bed. "Yes" I grab the clothes he had on yesterday and got him dressed. "We should get looking for apartments today" I say outloud while helping him out on his shirt. " but I dont wanna leave" I pull his arms through the shirt and pull it down to cover his belly. "We cant stay here forever" I say. I hear the door behind me open and I look over to see a girl with long blue hair. "Um hello" she says "hi" I reply. "Have you seen a guy about 5'9 blonde hair?" She tries to explain. "Sam?"I ask surprisingly remembering his name. "Yeah"
"Um no, I haven't seen him all morning, could still be in bed" I explain, looking back at Troy, fixing his pants. "Okay, Thank you" she says before shutting the door. "She had blue hair" Troy points out. Just then Colby walks in, brushing his wet hair, he was wearing some red and black skinny jeans, and a black shirt. "You know I was thinking that we should go to the mall today" Colby says, walking over and sitting next to me. "We could walk around and get to know each other better, all 3 of us." He says look at Troy. He smiles and hugs Colby. I've never seen Troy get close to someone as fast as he did with Colby. Troy really like him. I smile and speak up. " yeah, that sounds like a good idea".
We all walk downstairs and Colby grabs his keys. "Hey guys I'm leaving with Neaveh, if Brennen comes by let him know I have her and Troy"
"Okay" someone yells back, sounding like Sam. We walk out the door and got in a red car, must be the one from last night. I put Troy in the back seat and buckle him up. "Okay buddy, you'll have to sit still and keep your back against this part of the seat" I say while pointing at the back seat. He nods his head and I shut the door. I look up at the bright blue sky to see a few clouds and the bright sun. I smile knowing today will be a good day. I get in the passenger side of the car and buckled up. I look over at Colby to see him pulling out a camera, flipping the screen out and it showed his reflection. "Ready?" he asks looking at me. I nod my head. He hold his camera facing him and presses record.
"Hey what's up you guys , its Colby Brock, todays video is gonna be a bit different, today I have a new friend that i met last night, her name is Neaveh" he points the camera at me and I wave. "And this is her son Troy" he points the camera at Troy and he waves a crazily "today we're gonna go to mall and do a few awesome things, but first let's go eat breakfast" he puts his hand over the camera and stops recording. He starts his car and turns up the radio. "What do you think sounds good?"he asks while backing up and pulling up to the gate. He types in some numbers and the gate opens, allowing us to go through.
"Hmmm, I dont know, I never really went out" I explain to him. He smiles and taps the stirring wheel. "I know a place" he says.
He drives for about an hour before we reach a little cafe. We pull into a parking spot and got out of the car. I help Troy out and we walk inside. "Wow" Troy says while looking around. We walk up to a Table, Troy sits in the inside and I sit next to Troy while Colby sits across from us.
A lady comes over and gives us menus and walks away. "Mommy look, colour" Troy says showing me his menu that came with crayons and on the back had puzzles and stuff.
"Well that's cool" I smile at his excitement.

Colbys POV

She smiles at Troy as he shows her his menu. He was really excited about his colour menu.
I honestly feel so bad for them about how much they went through. They didn't deserve it.
I pull the camera out of my lap and point it at Neveah without her noticing.
"Look at her being all cute and stuff" I joke. But for real though, she is really beautiful.
Neveahs face turns red as she covers her face with her hands.
"Not even close." She laughs.
Her laugh is like a song I could listen to over and over again.

Get it together colby, you just met the girl.

Neveahs POV

after we ordered and ate Colby went to the cashier and paid for our food.
"Thank you Colby" I say as I stand up and help Troy out of the seat.
" you dont have to thank me".
We walk out of the cafe and to Colbys car.
"Myself"? Troy points at the car
I open the door as he tries to climb in by himself. He sits in his seat and attempts to buckle up.
"May I help?" I ask.
Troy looks up at me and nods.
" you're such a big boy for climbing in your seat by yourself." I tell him.
" one step at a time" I kiss his forehead, and buckled him up before stepping away and closing the door.
I open my door and sat down closing the door behind me I look to my left while buckling my seat belt to see Colby starting the car.
" can I stay at Brennens tonight?" I hear Troy's soft voice behind me.
" um, yeah, I'll have to ask him but I'm sure he wont mind" I reply back to him. I take my phone out of my pocket and begin to text brennen.
Me: troy asked me if he can stay with you for tonight, is that okay?"

Bren: yeah I dont mind, I'll be at my moms tonight, so I can drop him off sometime in the afternoon of that's okay, mom wants to go out to lunch.

Me: yeah I dont care lol.

Bren: okee, I'll be over to come get him about 6.

Me: okay, I'll see you then.

I turn my head back as far as I could so I could see troy, "
brennen said he'll be by later to come get you"
I face back towards the front and lean my head on the window.
I glance over and look at Colby.
Hes not a bad looking guy, he's sweet, funny, protecting, and he has such a big heart for those he cares about.... did I forget to mention how blue his eyes are?
The more I thought about him I'd feel a little flutter in my stomach.

Neveah, stop

I look down at my feet as I feel my eyes get heavier and soon I'm fast asleep, but not for long, I heard a loud screeching sound before I feel a jerk and a loud crashing sound along with glass shattering.
My heart speeds up, but I cant pull myself awake to see of Troy and Colby are okay.
I try screaming for help, but I cant move. Everything's black.

I'm sorry for such a long wait, I've been busy with school and work.
I hope you guys are enjoying the book so far.
Let me know if there's anything I can do to make the book more interesting.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2020 ⏰

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