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E- Oh um, hi
A- Hi Baby
E- Erika's Fine too
D- Look, we wanted to say sorry
G- We shouldn't have doubted you guys as parents
E- Well Thank you
J- I'm still mad though

They couldn't see the babies because Maddison was covered by the cover and Loren was in her crib with a blanket over her.

A- When Do you think it will happen?
E- What?
D- You giving birth
J- She already has
P- Really?
E- Yeah

My mom and dad hugged me then Pam and Greg did too.

P- Where are they
E- Well, Loren is sleeping and so is Maddison but Jake is with Maddison

We all walked over and they all saw her asleep.

A- Aw, she's so cute
E- Yeah her sister was the one that almost didn't make it
G- How so?
E- Her umbilical cord was in a knot which cuts off her breathing but she survived
D- Wow, well, congrats
E- Thanks d-
L- *crying*
E- I'll get her

I went over and got Loren. I rested her up and my neck and she kept crying. I fed her which caused her to calm down. I lay her down next to Maddison and she fell asleep.

E- There is Loren, the miracle baby
G- 2 beautiful babies you have
J- Thanks dad
P- Well, we have to go
E- Bye
J- Bye Guys
Parents- Bye

Me and Jake got up and had Sunny in the room to keep an eye on the babies. Me and Jake got changed into some more comfortable clothes because we can leave today. When we left the room, the doctor was in.

Dr- There you are, you guys are free to leave any time
E- Thanks doc
Dr- No problem

Me and Jake got the babies and put them in their car seats. Sunny got the stuff together and me and Jake carried the babies. We signed out and walked to the car. We put the babies in and Sunny got in her car. We drove home and the whole way there, Jake had his hand on my thigh. We got home and saw our parents again.

E- Hi?
P- Go into the spare room
J- Ok
G- With the babies
E- Oh we know

We walked upstairs and opened the door. It was the girls nursery done. Me and Jake weren't expecting them so we only had their cribs. This is what it looked like.

(Pretend it says M and L)I walked in and put Maddison down

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(Pretend it says M and L)
I walked in and put Maddison down. Jake put Loren down. We smiled and kissed. I hugged and Jake we put the girls in the cribs. We walked out of the room and hugged our parents. We walked downstairs and talked with Sunny and our moms and dads. There was a knock on the door. Jake got up and I heard a thud. I looked over to see a police officer on top of Jake.

J- Erika get back
Po- Mam, I suggest you stay back before you get arrested too

I stood back.

J- What did I do?
Po- You were involved in a robbery
J- What! When?
Po- Not last night, but the night before
J- I was here!
Po- That's What they all say, lets go
E- Wait! JAKE!
J- I'll get out baby
E- Please!

The police took Jake and put him in the car. I cried my eyes out and collapsed into my dads arms. Pam was crying to but not as much as me. Greg was confused and my mom was comforting me. Sunny said bye and she left. I went upstairs and got the babies. I took them downstairs and cuddled up with them on the sofa. I fed them because they were getting fussy. When Jake is here, Maddison is a lot more calm, I think she is a daddy's girl already. I put Loren to sleep and I feed Maddison. When she is done, she starts crying, which then wakes up Loren. I put Maddison in her seat and I take Loren. I feed Loren and I put her down. They have both calmed down. I start crying, I need Jake.

A- Whats wrong?
E- I need Jake, Maddison is a daddy's girl already
All- *giggles*
G- What about Loren?
E- I don't know, she's the same with us both
P- I have an idea
E- What?
P- How about, when Jake is aloud visitors, we can take care of the twins and yo can go see Jake
E- Ok, I just wish he could see them *crying*
P- I know sweetie

Pam hugged me and I got a call. It was the police.

E- Hello
Po- Is this Erika Costell?
E- Yes it is
Ok- Well, your boyfriend is going to be locked up for 1 year at the least, you can come and visit

Then they hung up on me. I fell to the ground crying.

A- Honey whats wrong?
D- You'll get through this hon
E- Can you guys watch Maddison and Loren? I'm going to go see him
G- Of course
E- Thank you

I grabbed my keys and ran out the door. I speeded to the station and I ran in.

E- I'm here for Jake Paul
Po- Right this way

I followed the police man past a bunch of cells. The people all looked really sketchy and scary. Then we came to one cell. The police man stopped.

Po- JAKE PAUL! You have a visitor, 30 minutes max

I nodded and walked to the cell. I saw Jake look up. He ran over and slid his hands through the cell. He cupped my face and kissed me gently. When we pulled back I cried.

J- Baby please don't cry
E- You did nothing wrong, you won't get to see the girls, I won't get my hugs, who will I go to when I need a hug?
J- Baby, I will see you and the girls soon, trust me, sooner than you think
E- Ok
E- Y-Yes
J- Don't speak to my girl like that
E- Jake it's ok

I pecked Jakes lips through the bars and I walked away with the officer. When we got out I turned to him.

E- He is innocent
Po- He is not, we checked the cameras and we asked people round about the area, it was him
E- We have kids, they were born yesterday, when will he be able to see them
Po- We will be having some prisoners come round the high schools, I was informed that you still go, he will be heading to your school a couple times through the year
E- Thank you

I walked out with tears in my eyes. I drive back home, picking up some food for the girls on the way. I get in and I see everyone watching the TV.

E- Hey Guys
G- Hey
P- How is he?
A- How did it go?
E- He is miserable, the officer also shouted at me and he got really mad, I was crying a lot and he shed some tears too, but he will be coming round our school to explain what they have done, so I will be going to school with the twins on those days
D- Ok, the girls are- *girls crying* were napping
E- Thank you guys
All- No problem
I went upstairs and saw the girls. I picked up Maddison and fed her. I then did the same with Loren. They fell asleep and I went to mine and Jakes room. I changed into one of his hoodies and I got into bed. I then fell asleep not long after.

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