ABT: Good Old Gold!

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The Betrayed Teacher
Story ARC 2
Chapter 21
Good Old Gold!
A/N Please Comment as much as you can on whatever you find interesting or what you would want to see!

Red's POV

Gold stands on the other side of the field. "Let's make this battle memorable!" Gold says putting the Pokeball in hand extending his arm our smiling.

"For some odd reason, " I smile "I feel like a Nice Cold mountain would make this more Memorable than anything," I say readying my Pokeball as I feel movement inside my cap and breath in and out.

"Let's go buddy," I tell Pikachu through Aura to wake him up.

"Yeah no kidding, !" Gold smiles then his face turns serious "LETS BATTLE!" he screams sending out his Pokemon As I do the same.

"Pikachu!" I yelled throwing my cap in the air as Pikachu jumps onto the field making a bit of dust. I hide the Pokeball I was holding behind my back.

Golds Pokemon appears on the field and appears to have a smirk. It was an oddly colored Gengar. But Golds Gengar wasn't odd in its appearance to be classified as shiny but was a Pure Black Gengar with Pink Eyes.

"Woah that's cool!" I admit to him as he smiles "Yeah, its super rare!" Gold flexed

"You're starting to sound like that one guy" Green Laughs at Gold trying to remember the kid with Red hairs name "What was is the name?"

"Chrome?" Green asks as Pyra laughs "Oh, Silver?" Pyra looks to up at the sky.

"Apparently his mother picked him up from a huge black chopper!" Pyra pointed her index finger up in the sky. Green saw her fingernails which had a Bright Gold Polish on.

"Alright, Begin!" Pyra yells karate chopping the field refereeing the battle announcing the start.

"Shadow Ball!" Gold yells wasting no time at all as Gengar flys towards Pikachu attempting to use shadow ball up close.

"Thunderbolt!" I yelled as Golds Gengar flashes in front of Pikachu. But I secretly sent the real command in Aura "Electroweb!"

"Pika?!!" Pikachu squeaks clearly surprised or as I heard it "Was That Good?

I saw the electroweb activate before the actual shadow ball took place as I look downwards with my red baseball cap on.

I saw Pyra at the stands who could be seen smiling thinking the battle was over. But she clearly hasn't seen Me and Pikachu's Intense training with Ash!

Faith, who was sitting next to Green and Pyra smirked which Pyra Caught on to "Red's Just getting started," Faith said nodding "
but your boyfriend also knows this too, "

"HuH?" Pyra said as her pitch in her voice began escalating with every following word.

"He isn't my boyfriend!" Pyra said as Faith teased her "Oh, but you like him,? " Faith says as Pyra shakes her head fully red "DO YOU?" Faith says as Green shushes her. Pyra covered her face with Golds Backpack.

"For one who doesn't talk much, you sure are nosey!" Pyra shrieked at Faith who just tipped her small Red baseball cap downwards.

An explosion from the Shadow ball flashes around the battlefield blowing wind and a bit of smoke throughout the field.

Pyra looks towards Golds House, face still bright red to see His Father Ethan watching them through the window.

Gold Smiles thinking he has won then sees me smirk.

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