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They have existed for centuries and were sometimes laughed at because most people didn't believe in ghosts and psychic powers.

But some were also hired to 'exorcise' ghosts and such.

By the time 'Quirks' appeared,
Psychic blended in with the newly formed society and were treated like normal people.
"Well, I would be handing out these career papers, but I know you're all going to be heroes!" Said a teacher, who threw sheets of paper away.

Then the class exploded, everyone used their quirks except for Izuku, the nicknamed 'Quirkless Loser'.

"Settle down, settle down... It's against the rules to use your quirks in class..." Said the teacher as he grabs a stack of papers under the desk.

"HEY TEACH! DON'T LUMP ME IN WITH THESE REJECTS! I'M GONNA BE BETTER THAN THEM!" Shouted Bakugo, the dude with the superiority complex.


The class started to murmur, while the teacher was looking through the stack of papers but stopped on Midoriya's.

"Didn't Midoriya want to enroll at U.A. as well?" Asked the teacher.

"The Quirkless Loser going to U.A.?!" Shouted a random student before the entire class erupted into laughter.

"DEKU! YOU'RE WORSE THAN THESE REJECTS! YOU'RE QUIRKLESS!" Bakugo yelled at Izuku with his hands sparking with explosions.

Izuku didn't flinch,
"I do have a quirk..." He said, not feeling any emotion.


"Someone said I shouldn't use my powers for showing off..." Izuku explained, while looking directly at Bakugo, still devoid of any emotion.


Izuku was about to be hit with an explosion to the face...


His emotions felt like they were about to explode.


But fortunately for him, he was saved by the bell.

He packed all his stuff and walked out of the classroom before anyone else...

He was walking under a random bridge, on the way to his house but stopped when he sensed something.

Turning around, some kind of sludge hit him but was blocked by his barrier.

"What the?!" A voice exclaimed... It was the sludge.

"I can't get through that barrier!" The sludge said while stepping back.

"Hey mister, you know it's illegal to use your quirk in public, right?" Izuku asked the sludge,
"I don't give a cra--" The villain got cut off by Izuku putting every bit of him in a bottle and tightly sealing it.


"Ah, All Might..." Izuku looked the No. 1 Hero and handed him the bottle of sludge.

"I... Well... Good job, young man! I'd like to thank you more but I have to hand this guy to the authorities! All Might... AWAY!!" And with that, All Might leapt away.

Izuku just continued walking home...

-Scene Change-

"I'm home!" Izuku announced as he took of his shoes and went inside the house.

"Welcome home, sweetie!" His mom, Inko, said as she cooked Izuku's favorite, Katsudon.

Inko set the plates down and brought the food to the table,
"Time to eat!" She exclaimed before Izuku ran to the table and eating with her.

Izuku was about to put the spoon in his mouth but it twisted and bent.

"Didn't I tell you to stop that habit of yours?" Inko asked,
"Sorry." He apologized as he returned the spoon back to it's previous state.

"So, are you still going to U.A.?" She asked,
"Yeah, someone I knew said that I can get in with my powers." He answered before finishing his food.

"Hopefully the entrance exams next week will be fun." He thought.

-Skip to Entrance Exams-

Izuku was inside an auditorium with Present Mic explaining the objective on the practical.

Long story short, examinees have to destroy robots with points ranging from 1-3 and the 4th one was just an obstacle.

As of now, Izuku was around the fake city, destroying robots one by one either by crushing them or just lifting and slamming them on the ground.

He was about to find more but the ground started shaking...

The 0 Pointer appeared out of nowhere and was destroying the buildings around it.

Izuku thought he had to do something and... He did.

With his powerful psychic powers, he blasted the 0P away like it was paper.

Present Mic, watching from the tower he was at, was shocked when he saw the 0P just fly through 2 buildings.

"JESUS CHRIST! WHO THE HECK DID THAT?!" He shouted, making everyone in the test site hear him.

Back to Izuku, he was standing at the very same spot he was at when he blasted the 0P away.

A girl he didn't notice was free from the rubble she was trapped in because of the very strong gust of wind Izuku created.

He took notice of the girl and his eyes widened before bowing,
"I'm sorry I almost hurt you with my powers!" He said, still bowing.

"I-It's okay! You actually saved me." Said the girl.

Izuku sighed in relief...

"AND TIME'S UP!" Present Mic announced.

"I'm Ochako Uraraka." The girl introduced herself.

"Izuku Midoriya. Nice to meet you." Izuku introduced himself with no hint of emotion in his face and voice.

"Thanks for saving me, again... I'll be going now! See ya!" Said Uraraka as she waved goodbye with a smile.

Izuku just had a small smile and waved.

Progress To Izuku's Explosion:

By the power of Stan Lee's inspiring words,

I give you this book...

I actually wrote this book after watching episode 1 of MP100 II shortly after it released.

And it was on draft because I was kind of anxious about releasing it. But here I am...

Releasing it after watching episode 4 of Mob Psycho 100 II and after remembering Stan Lee's words.

"If you have an idea and you genuinely think is good, don't let some idiot talk you out of it." -Stan Lee

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