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A confinement room...

Izuku was inside a confinement room...

The principal and Aizawa were behind the glass...
"What are we going to do with him?" Asked Aizawa...
"We're just going to let him go..." Said Nezu, the principal.

"A-Are you sure?" Asked Aizawa.
"We've seen his power, he could destroy the entire school if he wanted to..."

"I'm not going to expel him... He just needs help." Said Nezu.

Izuku knew what they were talking about, it was pretty obvious.

He needed to more control over his powers...


School wasn't anything special... Except for the picking class representatives thing and the fact that everyone was still afraid of Izuku.

Lunch was... Interesting to say the least... Some kid from 1-B heard of the incident.
The kid from 1-B started to tell Izuku crap like he should be a villain and stuff... The kid's name? Neito Monoma.

"A MONSTER LIKE YOU SHOULDN'T BE HERE!" Monoma kept saying stuff like that to Izuku...
But Izuku just kept ignoring him.

Even at his table, Monoma was still telling him stuff like that.


Monoma got knocked out by another 1-B student... Itsuka Kendo.

"S-Sorry about him..." Said Kendo as she dragged Monoma away from Izuku's table...

Izuku just kept eating since he was alone on his table and ignored the stares a few gave him.

A few minutes later, someone sat at the seat across the table...

"Mind if I sit here?" Asked a female voice... It was Momo...

Izuku just nodded...

"You probably feel like an outcast... But don't worry, I'll try to be your friend! Since you protected me from that explosion. Thanks for that, by the way." She said.

"No problem." Izuku blandly said.

Meanwhile, in another table, the rest of 1-A were staring at the two...

"She doesn't seem scared." Said a girl with ear jacks dangling from her ear lobes.
"But still, Midoriya's dangerous..." Said a boy with yellow hair that had a black lightning bolt on the side.

Momo took a quick glance at the others from 1-A and just scoffed.
"Don't mind them... They just don't understand the stuff you're going through..." She whispered to Izuku.... To which, he just nodded.

The two were silent, eating their lunch.

Then they finished as the bell rang.

They both walked back to the classroom together.

"Thanks for keeping me company, Yaoyorozu..." Said Izuku.
"No problem... I like helping people." She said.

"That's admirable..." He said while giving a small smile.

They entered their classroom and sat on their seats.

"Everyone, get out in your costumes... We're going to another facility..." Said Aizawa, still as tired as ever...

Then everyone changed into their hero costumes and went inside the bus they were going to ride.

It was the same as earlier... Everyone kept away from Izuku... Cramping in with other people on other seats.... Except for Momo...

"I gotta ask... How do you feel so comfortable around me, Yaoyorozu?" Izuku asked out of nowhere.
"I just think you need someone that can keep you company... You look even lonelier than ever before after the 2-on-2 battles." Momo answered.

"Maybe I should consider my feelings more." Izuku muttered out of nowhere.
"What?" Momo couldn't properly hear what he said.

"It's nothing..."
"Everyone, get out of the bus... We're here." Said Aizawa.

Everyone was out of the bus and went inside the facility.

"Welcome to the U.S.J.!!" Shouted 13.

Aizawa went to 13's side and whispered something in their ear.

"Where's All Might?" Aizawa asked.
"He reached his limit earlier..." Answered 13.
"That bum... We'll just have to continue this." Said Aizawa.

Then 13 went on a speech about quirks and how dangerous they are but was cut off half-way by a large crowd of villains coming out from a dark swirly portal.

"We have come for All Might!" Shouted a man with several hands holding onto different part of his body.

"And I'm here to spread all of you away from each other..." Said the dark misty portal that appeared in front of the class.

1-A was trapped in a dark dome and were transported to different areas of the U.S.J.

Aizawa was in the plaza and fought the villains.

Izuku was... On a mountain? And Momo, too.

They were both in the same area...

"Something's coming." Said Izuku as he looked at a huge rock.

Then a bunch of villains revealed themselves.

"This is gonna be fun..." Said a random villain.

"No... No it won't." Said Izuku as he flung a random villain into the flood zone.

"I'm sorry for what about to do, villains." He said before putting his hand up.

Then suddenly, the villains floated in the air before forming into a large ball then getting flung away. Separating away from each other once they hit the ground.

"Let's go." He said, grabbing Momo's hand while walking towards the entrance without attracting attention.

"I feel great today. Maybe because I have a new friend." He thought.

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