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It was a week after the entrance exams...
Izuku was currently in his room learning about well-known psychics from years past.

"Hmm... A midd--" His voice was cut off by his mother barging into his room, holding a letter.

"IZUKU! IT'S HERE!" She shouted.

"Okay." Izuku spoke with no emotion at all.

He grabbed the letter and opened it normally, unlike others who just rip the envelope off.

The contents were an actual letter and a small coin-like device.

He puts the device on the table and it starts showing a hologram with All Might.

"All Might?" Said Izuku as he was confused.

"Young Midoriya! You passed the entranc--"

Izuku just picked his ear as he waited for his score to be shown.

The hologram transitioned into a leader board with Izuku on 1st place with 69 Villain Points and 30 Rescue Points.

"I passed." Was the only thing that came out of Izuku's mouth.


"Bye mom..." Izuku bid farewell and went off to U.A. ... By using telekinesis to fly himself to U.A.

When he landed, other students were just looking at him weirdly...
He just ignored this and went to his class.

He got a bit lost while finding his classroom but eventually found it.

"Why'd they make the door so huge? Accessibility, I guess." Izuku thought.

He opened the door and took a seat behind Bakugo, completely ignoring the fact that Bakugo was arguing with a boy with blue hair and glasses.

The two stopped arguing when they saw Izuku.


"I am Tenya Iida, nice to meet you."

"Izuku Midoriya, nice to meet you too."

The two went on to talk about stuff in the entrance exams until.

"Okay, seems like everyone is here..." Said a scruffy, tired-looking man as he entered the room.

"I'm Shouta Aizawa... Your homeroom teacher... Now, get out on the field and wear these." He said.


"Okay... For today, we're doing a quirk apprehension test."

"WHAT?!" Shouted the entire class.

"Okay." Said Izuku as he just looked at Aizawa with no emotion.

"Since Midoriya is okay with the test... Get over here and throw this with your quirk." Aizawa held out a ball that was as big as a baseball.

"Alright." Said Izuku, still with no emotion.

"What's the quirkless loser gonna do?!" Asked Bakugo.

"Quirkless?! Are you unaware of what he did in the entrance exam?!" Asked Iida while doing his hand chopping.

Izuku stared at the ball for a moment.

"Izuku Midoriya... Quirk: ESP. Interesting quirk." Aizawa thought.

Izuku looked forward as his hair stood up and flowed while a bright multicolored aura surrounded him.

He let go of the ball and it didn't fall... It just floated in mid-air... Then it started orbiting around him, going faster and faster until it seemed to make a small tornado.

"Crap, he might produce a large tornado at this point!" Said Aizawa as he tried using his quirk on him.
Aizawa's Erasure quirk didn't work.

Everyone in the class were backed up on the tall metal fence.

"HOW POWERFUL IS HE?!" Asked a boy with red hair.


"This is probably enough." Said Izuku as the ball stopped orbiting and flew to the sky at the speed of sound, maybe even greater.

The trees swayed to the balls direction to the point they nearly snapped.

The dust cloud surrounding Izuku disappeared and everyone in the class looked at him in awe and horror.

Izuku looked at them...


Was the only word that came out of Izuku's mouth.

Intricate Psycho (Bonked/Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now