Too much

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The Neverseen were after her again. She kept running, and running, but she knew she could never be fast enough for long enough to stay out of their grip. All she could hope to do now was call for her only contact on the inside. But the more she called the more confident she became that she wouldn't be saved. So she started to give in...

Sophie woke up late in the night, hyperventilating and sheets soaked in sweat. That was when the crying began. She sat up in her bed, hugging her knees to her chest and rocking herself back and forth.

Earlier that night, Sophie had over her best friends, Keefe, Biana, Dex, Lihn, Tam and Fitz, over for a sleepover. It had been a fun night, but fearing the others could find out about her nightmares, she had snuck up to her room after everyone else was asleep. That turned out to be a good decision. Since Grady or Edaline hadn't come to check on her yet, she presumed she hadn't screamed tonight.

The last thing Sophie could ever want was any of her friends finding out about her nightmares. Most of them would try to help her, which would only make sophie feel bad for not being fixed. Fitz might tell her not to worry about anything, which would remind Sophie of his dad so much; as well as making her feel patronized.

Keefe was the reason she'd tried to hide it more than anything, though. Sophie liked him -- had for a while now -- and wanted him to think she was strong. She knew it wasn't rational, but when you really like someone, nothing you think about them is rational.

. . .

It was very dark at night when Keefe woke to feel a wrenching fear in his stomach. At first he worried that the Neverseen was trying to pull something bad again. Then he realized it was coming from Sophie. He looked around the living room for her, but couldn't find her.

Figuring she must be up in her room, Keefe made his way up the stairs quietly, as not to alert Grady or Edaline (mainly Grady) to his presence.

He knocked on Sophie's door, "Foster? You're giving off some pretty strong emotions here, and you're kind of worrying me." For a minute there was no response, but then he felt embarrassment and anxiety add to the fear in his gut. That meant either she had heard him, or something in her condition had worsened.

"Come in," Was the squeak that came from behind her door. It sounded like she'd been crying.

When Keefe came inside, Sophie motioned for him to close the door behind him. Now he could see that there was light coming from the lamp on the nightstand next her bed. He could also see that she definitely was crying; rocking herself back and forth, clutching her knees to her chest as if they were he life line.

Keefe came closer, sitting on the edge of her bed, and putting his hand on her clasped hands, trying to calm her rocking.

"Foster, what's wrong? What happened? I thought you were being attacked or something."

Sophie only let out a whimper. Keefe shouldn't be seeing her like this, it was too embarrassing. She should have known he would be able to feel her emotions, though. Even though she wanted to tell him to go and never talk about it to him again, his voice and very presence calmed her a bit.

In answer to his question, however Sophie only shook her head. She was going to try really, really hard not to tell him about all of this.

"Sophie. What happened?" After a minute with no answer, Keefe came up to sit next her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. Sophie sighed, and began to talk.

"I have nightmares. Tonight was a bad one. I was running from the Neverseen again..." She took a shaky breath, "I kept trying to call you, but no one was coming to save me. I was going to give up when I woke up."

Sophie was crying harder now. She wouldn't look at Keefe, because she knew he would no longer think of her as brave -- as strong, and amazing -- and she couldn't bare to see that.

"How long?"

"Since we got back."

"Sophie, why didn't you tell me?" The way he said it surprised Sophie. Not like she was a hurt dog, or like she had done something wrong in not telling anyone. More like he was disappointed in himself for not knowing.

"Because I didn't want you to think I wasn't brave or strong. I didn't want you to try to fix this because I've tried and I can't."

Keefe pulled his arm from around her shoulders, and for a moment Sophie was afraid she had hurt his feelings.

"Sophie," he said it so gently, and Sophie looked up to find him in front of her. "I don't think you're any less brave. I think you're stronger than any of us could have imagined. You went through this alone, and you never seemed troubled in front of us."

Sophie shrugged.

"I didn't feel like I should ruin you guys all being good. I felt like I couldn't."

Keefe laced his fingers in hers. "I never want you to feel like you can't be sad around me. I know you. I know what it's like to feel broken. You wouldn't let me go through that alone -- you helped me through it all. I'm not going to let you go through this alone, either."

Sophie let out a choked laugh. She had already told him too much tonight, she might as well tell him it all.

"I like you." She pulled him up next to her, and leaned in close enough for their foreheads to be touching. "Keefe Sencen, I like you a lot." Sophie laughed and closed her eyes, "Maybe more than I've ever liked anyone before. And I know you probably don't feel the same way, because I am too broken, and too weird because I grew up in the human world. And I know that Grady might not approve of you, but I don't care because I like you too much. I like you."

Keefe came closer, running his hand over her cheek, then playing with the tips of her blond hair.

"Sophie Foster..." Keefe moved his hand back up to her cheek, cupping it in his hand, "I like you, too. And I know that Fitz probably likes you, and that Dex likes you, and that Grady hates me, but I don't care because I like you too much, too." He stopped in his rant to smile, and so did Sophie.

She was shaking, but she was happy.

"Now, let's get you to sleep again."

Sophie nodded, and Keefe got off the bed, tucking Sophie in. Even though she knew it was crazy, Sophie didn't want to have Keefe go. She didn't want to go back to sleep alone, and didn't want to have another nightmare. Knowing Keefe was there calmed her. It was probably because she was crazy, but Sophie pulled up the shade on her window, assuring she would wake early in the morning. If he couldn't be here tonight, she would get to see him early tomorrow morning. Or maybe it was today. It was somewhere in the middle of the night.

When Keefe was about to open the door, Sophie finally spoke.

"Hey, Keefe?" He turned back towards her, hand still one the doorknob. His blue eyes blazed in the darkness, and Sophie was once again reminded of how handsome he was.


"Will you stay with me?" She was definitely being irrational right now. But so what? She thought, sometimes rational isn't the best. Sometimes you just have to follow your gut to get the best things. And Keefe was definitely one of the best things.

Walking towards her Keefe laid down next to her, wrapping his arm around her waist.

"Always." He answered her in a whisper, and that night Sophie went to sleep smiling, and dreamt of ice blue eyes and perfectly-styled-yet-still-messy blond hair.

Me again! 

I know this chapter was shorter then the last one,and more cliched, but it was so sweet and I think I fangirled a bit too much while writing it.

StoriomaniacGirl1 <3

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