The Great Foster-Keefe Incident

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    "Foster!" Keefe called out across the hallway, seeing Sophie for the first time after break. As he ran towards her, a huge grin spread across her face.

"Keefe!" Sophie yelled.

"I see you've been talking with Silveny more." She frowned, but Keefe knew she was happy to see him. The pure emotions coming off her were enough to let him know how she felt about him.

As they made their way through the hallway, Keefe leaned over to whisper something in Sophie's ear, and she shivered.

"So I've been thinking, you and I should do something fun together this semester," Sophie pulled back, looking at him warily.

"Like what?"

"I don't know," Keefe put his best fake innocent look on, "A prank?"

At first all Sophie could do was laugh, because she was the last person to want to do anything with a chance of trouble right now, but when Keefe just nudged her shoulder, she looked up at him. It came as a surprise to her, but something in her wanted to do this. And not just for Keefe, but because it had been a while since she's been reckless and it had been fun.

"Alright. I'll do it." At first Keefe looked surprised, but then he just smiled his classic mischievous smile, and started walking away.

"I'll plan it out more with you in Elwin's office today!" He called to her as he was about to turn the corner.

"But I don't have any reason to go to Elwin today!" She shouted back to him.

"Not yet."

. . .

During Elementalism, Sophie broke one of the bottles and the glass scraped up her hands. So much for proving Keefe wrong.

As she was walking to Elwin's office, she saw a figure walking through the corridor connected to hers that looked a lot like a certain boy who had promised that she would have to go to Elwin's office sooner or later today. Sophie sighed, waiting for Keefe to start teasing her, but he just hurried up to start walking next to her.

"What happened? You're not even teasing me about getting hurt the first day!" Keefe just sighed. Sophie nudged him. "And you say I'm mysterious." she was joking, but she said it in a gentle tone, because that seemed to be what he needed.

"I got in a fight with Fitz today. I was too distracted by it in Universe, and I broke the scroll on my head." Keefe sighed resignedly.

Sophie brushed her hand against Keefe's arm.

"You two are going to be fine. You're best friends, you always work it out." He smiled at the sentiment, but she could tell he was still upset. "And besides, I know what will cheer you up."

Keefe looked at her and grunted, although a smile smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. "What?"

"The prank we're going to pull together." Sophie smiled and ran on towards to Elwin's office. "Race you!"

As they ran, Sophie could feel Keefe catching up to and sped up. Just as she was reaching the door, he grabbed onto her ankle, knocking her down onto the floor.

"Keefe--" Before she could finish, he had fallen on top of her, her sudden stop taking him off balance. "I cannot believe you would do this! That was so not in the rules!"

For a moment, it was quiet, and then Keefe started laughing.

"So I guess..." He got out between fits of laughter, "This means you literally fell for me."

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