Sams Pov

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I run inside as Elliot goes into the woods but before he left I noticed a tattoo on his right arm I had seen it before it was on my grandfathers right arm also that couldn't be coincidence so I decide to do some research I look up right tribal tattoos cause that's what it looked like on the images were some but when I went to links on one Indian wolf tribe and there was the tattoo I look at it stunned and read it.

" Tribal "packs" were people most likely tribal and religious only men and certain females who were chosen got them it was a sign of " The Pack" a group of people who's tribal animal was a wolf. Legend had it that those who wore the tattoo were part wolf could change form from human to wolf" I stop reading the howl I heard from earlier,Elliot running off into the woods just after the howl. Oh my god could he be one no he couldn't I mean he seems so normal besides for him being 18 he's very built and fast almost inhumanly fast.

I go to bed early not feel like eating and dream of Elliot and my grandfather.


The next day I go to school with victor and Amy we laugh as we walk into school to find Elliot in the office with a fat lip and bloody nose. We look at each other and run over to him.

" Elliot are you okay what happened" I ask

" him" is all he says when we all look to where he was looking stood Jesse and his group of friends Zane, Jared his minions. Suddenly full of rage I walk over and punch Jared in the gut. When Zane comes at me I block his punch and knee him in the groin till I'm face to face with Jesse I shove him.

" What the hell is your problem you dickhead"I yell at him enraged.

" Whats wrong Elliot your having your girlfriend defend you now how cowardly " Jesse says to Elliot I clench my fists .

" Yeah so what I can do this for him" I say and get into my stance and punch him in the face he lands on his back out cold I look at Amy shocked at my sudden outrage and run outside and sit on the cool steps of the school.

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