Naomi's POV

He helped me guide my way towards the main built of bricks--as it was built about a century ago-- and the building itself was freaking huge! Outside there is a wide open garden surrounding the campus with gravel rock paths leading to one building to another. And according to Logan, that they have their own personal library and laboratories!

Oh yeah! Apparently the dorms are connected to the main building and separated into two. The East wing called 'Honour' is the dorms for girls whereas the West wing is called 'Integrity' specifically for boys. Each room will contain four students and will have two bunk beds.

Anyways, back to where I was. This Logan guy is explaining about the whole history about the place from the founder and stuff. And yady yaddy ya, something about the generations and stuff.

We then arrived in the building and there are loadss of people there...and they are all me... way to make an impression. Logan seems to be unbothered by this tension, at least, he seems like it. I can hear their whispers and they are not doing a very good job at hiding what they are saying.

"OMG!! Is that the newbie?!"

"Damn! I'd tap that!"

"She's hot!"

"WTF David, you're my boyfriend!"

"Dammit, another snobby whore"

"I bet she got here 'cause of money!"

Swiss Cheese, these people are so weird. Why can't I have gone to another school? Why did it have to be this damn school?! A BOARDING SCHOOL NONETHELESS!! Oh shoot, we're outside the main building's twin door. The doors really tall... Did the architect just decide that 'Oh! Maybe there might be someone who is 3 metres tall!! Better start making the doors that are accommodating for them just in case!' Honestly wtf.

"Umm... Hello? HELLOOO??" Oh schnitzel! Did I space out again?

"Wha-What? Sorry, could you repeat that once again?" Smooth cover Omi. You totally did not stutter in front of this rich ass boy.

" I was saying. Welcome to your new home, Madame Elizabeth's!"

The doors open as he said that and I gotta say, I'm pretty impressed with what I am seeing right now. Immediately, there are leather couches, low and wide oak tables? Those typically old-fashioned carpets and a large, shiny glass chandelier right in the middle of the room. Also, the glass windows that almost reach to the top of the ceiling and nearing the bottom of the floor, made out of marble. Also these vintage and large curtains that drape over the windows. Who knew that the richys' know how to style up the place.

Mr. I'm-all-that then brought us to the registration area and told me to wait here 'cause he gotta go to a meeting or whatever. He said that someone from my dorm room is going to pick me up and help me tour around this humongous place.

I got bored waiting around and decided to look around at the registration area. It's a relatively medium-sized room that is built out of dark wood. There are only stained medium-sized window on one side of the room and a small desk lamp with a green lamp shade. There, too, is a small counter, fit for one person, filled with papers and documents along with cabinets and a printer behind. Finally, the old woman who looks like she is in her mid-50s with cat-eye glasses on her tired face. There were also some couches by the corner of the room with a glass coffee table in front of it.

After a couple of minutes, a girl appeared from the opposite direction Princey and I went from. She had short brown hair and a sharp jawline. She seems nice. But she also looks like she can be a bish. She greeted the old woman, who's name that I know now is Mrs. Rachel Clifford. Then she looked at me, and it seems like she is sizing me up...for waayyy too long.... Is there something on my face..? Suddenly she smiled while waving at me.

"Hello there! My name is Melanie Capulet. It is nice to be your acquaintance. How do you do?" she said with her rich and velvety like voice. Where did that come from??? Anyway, better to respond now, don't want to seem like some weirdo, but then again, when am I not?

"Hello. I'm Naomi, Naomi Moritz. Um.. I'm alright." HOw thE FRIck am I supPOSEd to tAlk to hEr?? Go all posh like or be be an average joe?

"Oh yeah! I forgot to mention, we're roommates! Let me get you situated in our dorms then we can take a tour around here."

She then turned around and went out of the room. Quickly, I went out with my luggage and went out, after saying goodbye to Mrs. Clifford. After almost losing my new roommate, I managed to naturally catch up to her; she barely knew I was almost lost.

Passing by all the things around me, we finally made it to the Honour wing. Apparently each wing has about 4 floors, each consisting about 500 rooms. Each level represents on what seniority you are. Freshmans start on the first floors to the top floor for seniors, with a secret elevator-like system to get to the top without going through all of the damn stairs.

Before we went up, Melanie suddenly stopped in front of the stairs. She looked at me and said, "Before we go any further, I need to tell you the basic rules in the Honour wing. Same rules apply for the Integrity wing. Firstly, no is allowed out of their rooms at 20:00, or 8 pm, and to be sure about that, they have installed cameras in every 20 metres of the building. Next, the opposite gender is not allowed to gain access to the the other's wing, unless they have gain a permission which has been signed by a staff member. Finally, under no circumstances, you are not allowed to harm or cause an injury be it physically, mentally or emotionally. If you are caught, you will go onto trial where you may or may not be expelled from this school."

When she said that last sentence, she looked at me with intense eyes. Almost...almost as if she was staring down my own soul. As if I am the a baby deer and she is an Alpha wolf waiting to kill me off. Suddenly, a gleam in her eyes appeared and shined brightly. A glowing smile appeared.

"Anyways, that is all the main rules for the time being. Furthermore, before I forget, all students will be given a small card that will hold your personal information, schedule, grades and ranking--" as she was in the middle of showing her own card.

Wait, ranking? Why would ranking matter in a school? I thought in my head, not realizing that my face scrunched up into confusion.

Melanie then giggled, not so subtly but still quiet enough for the both of us to hear, "If you were thinking 'Ranking? Why would ranking matter in a school?' this is the reason why it is important in this school."

HOly MOly. Did she read my mind or something????

"I bet you are now thinking how I knew that mmm?" With a smirk on her face, her eyes somewhat half-lidded.


"I was in your position before and thought the exact same thing, anyways, before you had interrupted me, the reason why ranking is important is because whoever gets to the first 100 will receive special treatment in classes. While the top 10 in the end of the school year will receive a scholarship and reservation to any university they wish to attend to".


"And yes, this is allowed. The school has already been given permission by the authorities and the other important people who are included in this. Alright now this way to our dorm" Dragging me by my arm as I was still in a trance of the opportunities of attending this school.

I might enjoy this school even more than how I had initially thought.

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