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Naomi's P.O.V.

"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to flinch like that."

"Flinch?" Mr. Anderson looks at me with a raised eyebrow, questioning my statement.

I wanted to groan, but at the same time, I need to maintain my good manners if I wanted to curve any punishments.

I cleared my throat a little, fixing what I just said, "For hurting Sofia. I didn't mean it, I swear. I just lost control...I guess."

I gave a puppy-eye look at my school principal, hoping he would let me go from this incident.

A few hours ago, a classmate of mine, namely Sofia, aka my ex-best friend who clearly means nothing to me anymore, accidentally spilled a tub of white paint on this class display we were doing. Considering I was next to her, she put the blame on me.

The whole class grew angry, eventhough I apologized...for something I didn't do.

I didn't know why I went along with the blame, but I did.

What bothered me was the fact she didn't even gave me a look of consideration when I glared at her. She just went along with her life as if nothing was wrong.

My eyes begged for her attention, needing her look of consideration, the look she gave everytime I took the blame for her. But she never gave it.

Instead she looks at me with an evil grin and even says, "Better watch it next time, Naomi. Or else the whole class would probably kill you." Her being really extra, she laughed along with these other classmates that we were never really close with.

That was when it hit me. She was only using me all this time. All those parties she held while I was doing her homework, all those sneaking outs, all those drinkings, that was her scheme. To make friends with the stupid people. 

And I had to become a victim.

Anyways, so long story short, I went haywire and practically went for her. Grabbed her hair, gave her some punches, gave her an earful, and cried in the corner of my class after my homeroom teacher had scolded me.

"Anything else other than hurting her?" Mr. Anderson waits patiently. Just staring intently at me. As if he doesn't know already. He just wants me to say it.

I watch as his hands were just palmed together, a calming strategy, I reckon. I notice he has been doing that a lot in the ten times that I have come inside this office with him. All for the blames I took.

"Well? Are you going to answer?" He asks.

"Gosh, shut up." I wanted to say.

But instead I closed my eyes, and try to maintain my breathing.

"I went to her locker at break time...and trashed it."

"And...?" He questions again.


"NAOMI! SIT BACK DOWN! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SPEAK LIKE THAT TO -" Mr. Anderson stands up from his chair too, slamming his fists on the table.

"TO WHO? TO YOU? YOU! OF ALL PEOPLE! The father of the demon herself." I scoff, crossing my arms as I do so, before plopping back in my seat.

Mr. Anderson heaves a sigh, calming his senses, before sitting back down too.

"Listen, Naomi. I don't like you talking to me about my daughter like that."

"Why not? You told me to speak truthfully, no?" My french accent comes. Might as well swear to him and this whole school in French, they wouldn't suspect a thing. Plus, now I can use that language to my advantage.

"It has been the tenth time you've walked in this room. All for the bad reasons. Now, I need to understand what this is all about. I mean..you did try the counselling sessions I told you to do. But that doesn't seem to make it any better. In fact, it has gone worse. I need you to tell me. Tell me everything."

"So, what? You can mock me? Doing this trying to save me protocol just to ruin my life, worse than it already is?"

I want to roll my eyes, but I can't.

I want to spill it all out, but I can't.

I have to maintain my manners.

I can't ruin someone's life just for the sake of saving mines.

That wouldn't help anything, no it wouldn't.

Mr. Anderson just stares at me. His face was no longer serious at this time. It has changed to one of those sympathy eyes he keeps giving me in these lectures.

"You wouldn't understand." I say.

"Try me." His words are kind and generous. Wanting to know more and more.

Which I find annoying.

"No. I'm just going to apologize for what I've done and that's it, right? Can we get this session over with?" I say, standing up and getting ready to head out the door.

"Actually...I have a proposition for you." This had me stop in my tracks.

And having to get back to my seat. Again.

"Go ahead." I say.

He opens one of his drawers and pulls out a pamphlet. And an envelope.

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