Naomi's POV

We then arrived to the front of our dorm, No. 129. The door is made out of Zebrano wood with gold and silver art noveau-like accents. Melanie walked up to the door and looked at me.

"Welcome to your humble abode, No. 129!" she exclaims as she opens the door to out new room. Inside, I can immediately the bright coloured room or reds and yellows. I am going to have to live with sunglasses in this room. Goodness sake. The room was a bit small, like a width of 5 metres and a length of 10 metres. Directly across the door is a small window that looks like it overlooks the outside garden. In the middle of the room were four individual couches that can also be used as a chair. Directly laid next to the walls are 2 tall as fck bunk beds that has ladders for the top bunks with a curtain to give the top and bottom bunks a bit of privacy.... omg that sounds so wrong. There is also a closet and hanger for clothes and bags along with desks for us to do work on. Also, there is a small desk by the window with two lamps and a phone.

There on the top left bunk in the room lies two girls upside down, with their legs against the wall and backs against the bed. As the door opened, the two of them looked at us with a surprised face and I swear one of them nearly fell off the bed from flinching.

Quickly the two shouted their hellos and attempt to get down from the beds, well one of them did it fine. The other one tried to jump down but miss the landing and fell onto their ass. IF it were not for this being my first impression and meeting in front of them, I would have laughed. In the end, I just suppressed my laugh and hope that no one sees me doing so.

The one who landed perfectly lined up and stood in front of the both of us and introduced herself," Ehem..." She cleared her throat," Salutations, my name is Corrine Allyn Tracey. My friend who has fallen here is Ashley Shirlee Readdie. It is a pleasure to meet you."

The so-called Ashley just got up and walked right next to Corrine while rubbing her sore arse, "You know I am able to introduce myself, right? Plus, did you really have to say my middle name?? It's so embarrassing!!" she wailed.

At this time, I really took time to look at them. Corrine has a short blue-black bob, almost close to a pixie cut hair, she also got bangs. She has an incredibly clean and pale skin, I swear I bet you that I can see her blue veins from here. She has round and dark blue eyes that are adorned with a thin black rimmed glass. She is actually pretty tall for a girl, about 179.5cm? About so... damn this beanpole. She has a high authority feel around her, it does not help that she has a poker face on at the moment. Jeez, could it kill her to smile? NOt judging her or anything though.

Whereas the clumsy Ashley has very long dirty blonde hair that reaches to her waist that curls in the end. She has olive skin with a scatter of freckles all over. She has almond shaped eyes with long lashes. Her eyes are light green with blue freckles that shine innocence and purity. Unlike the beanpole on her right, she is actually pretty short, 149 to 150 or so. She also smiles a lot, and I mean A LOT. She has a gleaming white smile and dimples giving her a cutie aura.

", um... My name is Naomi. Naomi Moritz. I hope that we can all get along well together. I said awkwardly.

"Alright, now that we have all introduced each other, we will now let out friend here get herself situated. Naomi, you bed is the one in the top right. Ashley is in the bottom bunk of your bed whereas Naomi is in the bottom bunk on the left side and my bed is the one where these two were on earlier". Slightly emphasizing the last sentence to the two other girls, who subtly gulped.

After that said, the two girls ran to the bottom right bunk and did what they had done earlier. It has only been a couple of seconds but they seem really into and in a deep conversation. Melanie on the other hand walked to a desk, which I assume that everyone has chosen their own desk and continue on with the pile of worksheets on her desk. Like a serious amount of oh paperworks.

Anyway, I brought my luggage to the closet and start unpacking. My folders, laptop and stuff are placed on the one and only empty desk. As I was putting down my things onto the desk, I see something on the bottom left corner of the desk. I placed my things down on the desk and took a look closer. It was a carving of a heart and inside of the shape is the letters M+L BFsF. How...odd. The only person in this room who has an M for their first name is Melanie. But no one here begins with with L.. or is it something else that I am not looking at clearly? I mean... To be frank, what kind of person would have their initials be their middle names or something of the like.

Now I am just all confused with the whole situation. Hopefully, light would be shed on this situation.

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