Naomi's POV

Yanno what... I'm gonna just figure that out another day. I set my things in an organized fashion on the desk. After a couple of minutes I finished setting up the desk by placing a photo of my family. My mother and father were next to each other, standing shoulder to shoulder with bright smiles. A gleam of happiness in their eyes. In front of them was me, who was only 5 years old at the time, with a tall gold trophy as I had one first place in a dark matter physics competition. Those were the good times. I sighed happily reliving the moment.

I went to the closet and put my things in. Don't want to get to descriptive and detailed here cause... under-clothings... it's private talk for me, mate. Most of my clothing consists of blouses, pencil skirts, long pants, cardigans, and such of the like. I have only have two pairs of shoes: one for everyday use, a converse, while the other is heels. The heels... they are not my favourite but my mom forced me to bring it along for parties and meetings or whatever.

As I finished setting up my things in the closet, I moved to my bed. One thing that I had apparently missed while examining the room was the beds, specifically what each bed has. By the heads of the beds are little areas similar to a table where I guess the students are able to put their most personal stuff there. Either that or put skin care serums for those who uses day and night creams, like me. With that, I put down my routinely items and laid down on my new bed, which I will use for the next year and so.

As I was about to rest my eyes and relax a bit, I felt a poke on my shoulder and whisper repeating my name. Due to that, I opened my eyes and turned my head to the dirty blonde (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) LMAO). Her large almond green eyes stare down at my face with a hand cupping near her mouth.

When she finally realized that I was paying attention to her, which is after a couple of seconds, she flinched a bit. After her two and a half second recovery, she smiled one of the largest and purest smiles that I have ever seen. Then a sentence cam out of her mouth, " Hey! Before you go to sleep or anything, do you want to take a tour around the place? Yanno so you wouldn't get lost if you had to go to the bathroom or get something to eat?" Suddenly a hand came onto her head aggressively, making the short girl fall onto her ass again. As the girl sat up, tilting her head towards the ceiling while rubbing her head (omg I need to get my head outta the gutter), a tall figure in dark clothing looms over her. It was Corrine and she was glaring at the girl who had fallen in front of her. Ashley then proceeded to cower, remembering the times she had been scolded by the girl (which were MULTIPLE). Corrine then sighed and started to speak, "i know you have great intentions and all, but can't you give her time to rest a bit? She just moved in, especially in the middle of the semester, imagine how she would be feeling right now, Ash."

Ashley processed this information and immediately she jumped up onto her bed and looked at my face with sad eyes. "WAAHHHH, I'M SO SORRY NAOOMMIIII!1!! I DIDN'T CONSIDER YOUR SITUATION!! I HOPE THAT YOU CAN FORGIVE ME-" I cut her off before she continued anymore. I can see tears forming at the outer parts of her eyes.

"Hey, Hey, Hey," I started, "It's ok, I think I can handle a little tour around the place for a bit. BEsides, it's better to figure out the area rather than having to do so tomorrow." As I was saying this, Corrine held Ashley by the end of her white oxford shirt and held her above ground as she flails around. I sweat dropped at the whole situation.

When Corrine set her down on her feet, Ashley became happy again while Corrine sighed. The little blonde started to drag me by my hand out of the door with Corrine following behind. Before we leave the door though, Ashley screamed out to Melanie, "MELLIEEE, WE'RE GONNA TAKE NAOMI A TOUR AROUND THE PLACE, OK?" Melanie who was till in the middle of mountainous tasks took her left hand out with a thumbs up while still writing down with her right hand. After that, I swear, Ashley's smile grew larger. HOw this is possible...I do not know. I feel like someone needs to conduct an experiment on this.

Soon, we made it to the front of the main building. There I see all of the things that I have passed. A beautiful outdoor garden with colourful flowers and trimmed bushes in various shapes. Other than that, gravel paths that map out the buildings of Madame Elizabeth's buildings.

Without realizing, I stood still of where I was. DAmn.....This place must have come out of a fairy tale..just WoW. Suddenly, a hand blocked my vision. A confused expression relished (hahahahahahaha Relish) over my face. I looked to where the hand was connected to and it belong to Corrine, who had a concerned look on her face. "Are you alright?" she said. I swear, mom material right here. "Oh nononononononono..I'm alright, just... the garden is so beautiful". I hear a giggle and looked to where the direction of said giggle was. It was Ashley, her eyes closed and a hand covering her mouth as if to hold in the giggles.

And with that, the amazing tour of this place begins. 

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