14 | Together Again

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"HEY GUYS," Brandt greeted them a little awkwardly

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"HEY GUYS," Brandt greeted them a little awkwardly. "How have you been?"

"We're good," Brendan replied.

"Not really," Ethan muttered.

"You okay? I heard you're suffering serious wounds from the explosion," Brandt said guiltily.

"It's fine," Ethan reassured. "As long as we find the cure Luther and I will be alright."

"Okay then," Brandt cleared his throat. "During the time where you guys were in KL, I found some valuable information regarding the cure and August Walker."

"Which is..?" Asked Ilsa.

"The Underworld named the poison "Gophite" and the cure "Anti-Gophite" -weird names in my opinion- and I, along with a partner Mycroft assigned me, managed to steal a file containing all sorts of information regarding both the poison and the cure," Brandt threw a file onto the wooden table that has been standing between Brandt and the team. The cover was a little crumpled, and the papers stacked to one and a half centimetres tall.

Ethan, Brendan, Benji and Ilsa stepped forward and flipped open the file to read the information it contained.

"We've also spotted August Walker a few times here in Portugal. He doesn't seem to be wandering about in the same area. His locations are really random and scattered, so I can't prove or predict anything about his whereabouts."

"Where did you last see him?" Ethan asked.

"He was last seen exiting Hotel Portugal an hour ago before I went to a rooftop bar nearby," Brandt replied. "Yesterday at night he was on top of the Aqueduto das Águas Livres, and earlier in the day he was walking around Park Lake. We snapped a few pictures from afar."

Brandt placed three photos on the table. One showed a blond haired man exiting Hotel Portugal, the next showed a brunet on top of the Aqueduto das Águas Livres and the last showed a redhead in Park Lake. All subjects in the pictures looked nothing like August Walker.

"They don't look like Walker to me," Ethan said.

"Don't worry, even he is a grown up in Halloween masks playing trick-or-treat. I fell for the shit too, but my "partner-in-crime" knows him very well," Brandt answered.

"Hold on, who's your "partner-in-crime"?" Ilsa asked. "How does he or she know August so well?"

"Her name's Crystal Walker. I'm pretty sure her last name explains everything."

* * *

"You can't trust her!" Ethan insisted.

"Why?" Brandt asked. "She's not like her brother, you can't assume anything, you haven't even met her!"

"I have to agree with Ethan. What if the people in the picture aren't August at all? What if she's tricking you?" Benji asked. "Where is she now anyway?"

"She said Mycroft demanded her to go to Vienna-"

"Now doesn't that sound suspicious?" Brendan asked.

"Can you at least try to trust her? She worked for the CIA years ago. When she found out about her brother's intentions, she resigned from the CIA and transferred to the IMF."

"Then why didn't she warn Alan that he was John-"

"She knew his intentions, not the alias he was going to use. Can we end this conversation and concentrate on the Anti-Gophite?" Brandt interrupted Ethan.

Ethan sighed and reluctantly nodded.

Brandt took the file and took out a blueprint that mapped the Underworld's Portugal Base, "The Anti-Gophite is kept in a maximum-security facility-"

"Yeah, what's new?" Benji commented.

Brandt ignored Benji, "That is located thirty feet below ground. Only August, Walter and Lane are given access and if their highly-trained guards see anyone unfamiliar trying to enter the elevator down, they will kill them without question."

"Well that's easy, all we need is a mask," Benji shrugged.

"Don't we need to scan their faces?" Brendan asked.

Ethan's eyes lit up, "We still have Lane's from the Plutonium Bomb event."

"Afterwards, in the elevator, we'll need to enter a passcode into the system and scan Lane's fingerprint, which I don't think you have."

"We do, actually," Benji replied, much to Brandt's surprise.

"However, the elevator would scan you for any facemasks. I guess you can say August learned from his mistake."

Brendan grumbled in frustration, "Is the elevator the only way in?"

"Fortunately, no. There's another entrance to the facility from Walter's main office, which only Walter himself can access."

"That's a good thing. We can take down Walter, just don't shoot his face" -Ethan eyed Ilsa- "and we can scan his face and fingerprints. The office's entrance doesn't need voice recognition, am I right?"

"Yeah, it doesn't," Brandt realised.

"So we've got ourselves a plan," Ethan smiled.

Brendan nodded, "What about August and Lane?"

"You, Benji and Ilsa can take care of Lane and August. Ethan and I can take care of Walter," Brandt answered. "But are you sure you can fight, Ethan? Your wounds might slow you down."

"I'm fine, trust me," Ethan said.

"Walter's extremely strong, he might actually be stronger than you," Brandt warned.

"Which is why we'll defeat him together."


Wazza!! (The commercial XD)

I'm kind of excited for the next few chapters because something BIG will be revealed! *Grins evilly* You won't see it coming. 😈😈😈

So other than that, I have nothing else to say. I hope you guys are having a great day so far!



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