Rating system

15 4 2

Here is what I will be looking at when it comes to rating a book:


Covers will be rated for two things:

1) presentation (and it will be the first thing to judge.) title, author's name, appealing etc

2)how relevant they are with the story itself (which will be judged after I read both the description and the first three chapters of the story)

2.5 points for each factors


Descriptions will be judged in a similar way. At first, I will read them and examine these things:

1) if they are appealing to look at (which basically means if a description is too long on one paragraph, etc it will affect negatively)

2) if they have any grammar mistakes

3) if they are intriguing the reader to read the book

After I judge the description on those three things, when I finish reading the first three chapters, I will go back to the description, reread it and see those two things:

1) if they are relevant to the book

2) if they have spoiled any important things that happen later in the book

1 point for each 5 factors


When judging characters, I will be examining these things:

1) the connection the main character makes between them and the reader

2) how realistic are they (based on their decisions, actions and character)
3) the connection between the rest of the characters and the reader

3.4 points for the first one, 3.3 points for the other two

4) Way of Writing

On this category your books will be judged for these things:

1) Grammar mistakes

2) appealing to look at (just as the description. Things that will affect your score on that category badly: extremely long or short paragraphs, if there is no space between the paragraphs)

3) How easy it is for someone to understand what you write

4) Descriptions of things and people

4 points on number 4, 2 points for the rest three things


The things your book will be judged on will be:

1) originality of plot (due to the fact that I don't know if there are any books on Wattpad with a similar story to yours, keep in mind that one point will be removed from everyone's score on that one)

2) how interesting it is

3) it's pace (too slow, too quick, normal)

4) how you unravel the plot on your book

5 points on each thing (but remember that in originality, no one will get a 5 / 5 score, because it is fair and logical to say that most stories may have similarities with stories that haven't participated in the competition)


Keep in mind that on each phase, I will be harder when it comes to judging your books. Repeated mistakes and anything else that might not give you a perfect score, will result in the removal of more points

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