The Party

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After lunch they all headed back to the courtroom. I sat back in the little podium next to the judge and waited for further instructions. I was so far away from Logan it was killing me.

"Shall we continue?" The judge asked, she was a stubby little women, but when she sat up there, it made her look like a goddess, like she rules all. The cop, Mr.Shirogane, held up his hand to stop it real quick.

"I've been thinking over the young boys stories, and a few questions started to pop up, so if either of you don't mind I'd like to ask them." He asked. I didn't mind all that much, and the judge gave him the go ahead.

"How long ago was the story you told us about the nurse and the rose bush?" He asked first, as soon as I remembered what he was talking about I grew shy again.

"M-maybe last week. I've been telling a few more recent stories because I remember them better." He offered a comforting smile and continued.

"Does that mean, are there..." he paused, I could tell what he was going to ask but he was trying to find a way to ask without being rude.

"Yeah, they're still there. Logan just replaced the bandage this morning."

"Alright. Another thing, have you ever been in any dangerous situation?" He asked me.

"What do you mean?"
"Have there been any close calls? Any body ever hit you, say family or a stranger, has anyone tried to sexually assault you, peer pressure you into drugs or alcohol? Sometimes, if these things happen they can cause a panic to rise in your head, and you become impulsive, and sometimes clingy or the exact opposite. You seclude yourself from everyone."

"Well...there was this party...Roman had invited us to his after party for a play. All the theatrical kids were there..."


"Roman, I don't want to go to this anymore, there are too many people." Virgil said. We were parked outside of A.J's house, one of the lead character's in the play that just went on. Logan and I were in the back of the car, it's been maybe a week since I left home.

"If Virgil does not wish to go, then I don't think we should go" I said, I was also having second thoughts of agreeing to this party  but Roman already said that he didn't want to go alone, and I didn't want him to feel alone in a house filled with acquaintances. 

"Patton, do you not want to go either?" Roman asked, looking at me through the rear view mirror. "I'll go if you want to Ro." I told him with a big smile. Roman smiled, and went to calm Virgil down. Logan placed his hand atop of mine causing me to look at him. 

"Patton, are you positive, 100% sure you're okay with going to a huge party with hardly anyone that you know?" I was starting to shake a little and a was feeling a bit queasy, not wanting to go anymore. 

"My apologies, I didn't mean to frighten you, but can you handle this?" I nodded, hesitantly but I still did. 

"Don't worry guys, there will be delicious food here that I'm positive you will all love." Roman said, making me feel even sicker. 

"Patton, you do not have to eat anything." Logan reassured me. I had already eaten a small bit when we first entered the play and wasn't feeling hungry in the slightest. 

When the two left the car Logan thought for a minute before opening his arms incase I needed a hug, and I took the hug because I really needed to be comforted. As soon as I heard his calm and collected heartbeat I started to calm down. "Thank you Logi." We both got out of the car and Logan took hold of my hand, people were all around us and I was slightly freaking out, but once Logan gave my hand a slight squeeze I remembered that everything was going to be perfectly fine, nothing bad would happen. Right?

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