camping (smut)

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"wow. it's so beautiful outside today." you say, looking up at the sky.

river wraps his arms around your waist, and rests his head on your shoulder.

"not as beautiful as you." he says, placing a warm kiss on your cheek.

"i knew you were gonna say that you cheesy shithead." you laugh, hiding your face in his neck.

he wraps his arms around you. "i mean, it's true."

you look up at him and smile. "i love you."

he presses a kiss to you forehead. "i love you too, y/n."

a few hours later, you guys are cuddled up by the fire in a warm blanket, just enjoying each other's company.

"we should go camping more often." you say, looking up at the stars.

"yeah? how come?" he asks, looking down at you.

"i don't know, i like nature. and just being with you is always fun." you say looking into his bright blue eyes.

he smiles, kissing your lips passionately. his soft lips moving with yours in sync perfectly. the kiss becomes more heated and you move to straddle his lap. you wrap your arms around his neck and he puts his on your hips. you feel an evident bulge growing underneath you. you grind against it slowly, still kissing him. he groans against your lips. you pull away and start to kiss his neck. he leans his head back, moans leaving his lips.

"fuck, baby." he growls.

he takes off his jacket, and you help him take off his shirt. you pull off your shirt, revealing your black flowered bra. it was his favorite bra of yours.

"as much as i love that bra, it's gotta come off." he says, unclipping it from behind with one hand. he attaches his lips to your right breast, nipping and sucking at the skin. you moan out, as he licks your sensitive nipples.

he lays you down on the blanket below you, and attaches your lips again. he unbuttons your shorts and slides them off, still kissing you. he brings his hand down and starts to rub your covered clit. you moan into his mouth. he slips off your panties, and throws them in your open backpack.

he unattaches his lips from yours, and attaches them to your other lips ;) A/N: this made me giggle

you gasp at the new contact. he licked a stripe up your heat, and you lean your head back, enjoying the pleasure. he swirls his tongue around your clit. he presses open mouthed kisses on your bundle of nerves and you arch your back, moaning in ecstasy. he stuck two fingers into your pussy.

he replaced his fingers with his tongue and rubbed your clit, his fingers moving quickly in circular motions. you threw your head back as he moaned, sending vibrations through your body, still thrusting his fingers into you.

you released onto his fingers and in his mouth. his lips, chin and nose glistening with your wetness. he takes his two fingers and sticks them in his mouth, sucking them clean slowly, all while looking straight into your eyes. you but your lip, watching him intently.

he takes off his boxers. he comes back up and kisses you hungrily. his hard member rubbed against your wet pussy and you whimpered at the anticipation.

"riv, please" you whined.

"please what doll?" he asked, a smirk playing on his lips.

"jesus christ fuck me!" you say impatiently, just wanting to feel him inside you.

"you don't have to tell me twice." he says.

and with that he pushed into you slowly. river growls as he thrusts in and out of you, his eyes screwed shut. he starts to go faster, rolling his hips into your tight cunt. he picks your leg up and slings it over his shoulder, hitting a better angle. he goes rougher and you moan out profanities. he hits your g-spot over and over and you moan out his name.

"fuck, river. ohhh my god." you moan, wrapping your arms around his neck. he moans, starting to kiss your neck. the pleasure overwhelming you becomes too much, and you feel your orgasm coming. you both cum in unison, and he wants to stretch out your euphoria a bit more so he rides out both of your highs. his thrusts growing sloppy he pulls out and lays beside you.

he wraps his arms around you, kissing your head. you smile, resting your head on his chest. the night was still young, so you didn't go to bed quite yet. you both put your clothes on, because of the slightly chilly weather.

river got an idea, and he pulled out his guitar.

you gasped. "you brought it?" you said excitedly.

he laughed at your excited state. "yep."

you wrapped the blanket around you. "play me a song mr. phoenix." you say jokingly.

he laughed, and started strumming the strings.

"hey jude" he sang, and you both laughed.

don't make it bad
take a sad song, and make it better

you watched him sing, and you smiled to yourself. you were so in love with this man. hearing his voice always made your heart so happy, it was so beautiful.

he smiled at you as he kept singing. you just watched him in awe. he finished the song and you clapped excitedly. "oh my gosh, you're so talented."

his cheeks reddened and he smiled. "stoppppp." he said shyly.

he put his guitar away, and laid back down next to you. you looked at his face, and you stroked his cheek. "how did i get so lucky?" you whispered.

"i ask myself the same thing every day." he said, looking into your eyes.

you smiled and pressed your lips to his for a brief but warm kiss. "i love you so much."

"i love you too, angel."


AGHHHH THIS IS SO CUTE!! sorry it's so long omg i didn't wanna make it short and seem rushed. i hope y'all enjoyed!!

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