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(y/h/c = your hair color)

lowercase intended

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y/n's pov

"c'mon y/n come to the club with me!!" your best friend sadie urges, applying an extra coat of mascara to her lashes. you lay on the bed, eating popcorn and watching friends.

"ughhhh" you groan as a response.

"please, you and river broke up 3 weeks ago, and you haven't stopped moping. it's time you go out and have fun." she says, walking over to you.

you lean your head back against the headboard.

"fine." you say, putting the popcorn bowl on the bed and turning the tv off.

it didn't take you much to get ready. you left your hair natural, and applied some makeup. slipped on a simple maroon velvet crop top and jeans paired with your favorite ankle wedged boots. you threw a white oversized cardigan over it, just to keep you warm. you look in the mirror, and sigh.

"i can do this."


you arrive at the club, music booming through the speakers and sweaty bodies dancing on the floor. you and sadie go over to the booth that you were meeting your friends at, and ordered drinks. your friends talked and laughed happily, while you sipped your whiskey sour and observed the club. your eyes land on a group of guys in a booth across the room. you spot a familiar blonde head of hair among them. your heart stops in your chest.

it was river.

he looks just as miserable as you were. he looked around the club, and you quickly looked down, hoping he wouldn't see you or catch you staring.

rivers pov

i didn't wanna be here at all. keanu had forced me to come out with him, and after a lot of begging, i obliged. all i could think about was y/n. i observe the club, the dancing people, and the bartenders. my eyes stop on a y/h/c haired beauty i remember falling in love with 3 years ago.

my heart wrenched. i studied her face, i could tell she was miserable. she was always terrible at hiding her emotions. she looked so hurt, and it was all because of me. i did that to her, i made her feel that way. because of how much of an asshole i was. i watched as she said goodbye to her friends and quickly got up, walking out of the club. i jumped out of my seat and ran after her, ignoring my friends protests. i swing the doors open, the cold air hitting my face. I look over and see y/n leaning against the wall, her eyes closed, stress all over her face.

i walk up to her slowly. she opens her eyes and our eyes meet, for the first time in 3 weeks.

"uh....hi." i say awkwardly.

"hi." she replies, a weak smile on her face.

"how are you?" i ask.

"fucking terrible." she laughs weakly, sitting down against the brick wall. she leaned her head back against it, closing her eyes again.

i sit down next to her. "me too."

"what happened?" she asked quietly, turning to me.

i paused for a moment.

"i was stupid." i shook my head.

"hey, don't be so hard on yourself." she said, putting a hand on my arm, sending shivers up my spine.

"well, it's how i lost the love of my life isn't it?" i laughed coldly, making eye contact with her.

she looked deeply in my eyes.

"i miss you." she whispered.

"i miss you too. so much." i reply.

"could we try to make it work again?" she asks quietly, her eyes locked on mine.

"i would love that." i reply, putting my hand on hers.

a smile grew on her face. the same beautiful smile i had missed more than anything. i bring my hand up to her cheek, stroking it softly with my thumb. i lean in and press my lips to hers gently. the feeling of kissing her was another thing i had missed more than anything.

our lips move in sync slowly, the kiss soft and sweet. she rested her hand on my arm. we both pulled away, our eyes locking again. i leaned my forehead against hers, my hand still on her cheek.

"i love you, baby."

"i love you too, riv."


AWW THIS IS SO CUTE!! why do i always write and upload these at like 1-2 am

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