isnt she lovely

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(modern day)

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(modern day)

575 words

lowercase intended

(y/h/c)= your hair color
(y/e/c)= your eye color


rivers pov

i walked into the small coffee shop, the bell on the door ringing.

"hey river." my friend josh from behind the counter said.

"hey, man. how busy has it been today?" i asked him, leaning against the counter.

"not super busy. but that one girl over there, she's been here a while." he said, pointing over to a brunette girl, focused on her laptop screen.

when i saw her face, my jaw dropped. she was the most beautiful girl i had ever seen.

"wow." i muttered, forgetting josh was there.

she adjusted her glasses and took a sip of her coffee. she had gorgeous (y/h/c)  hair and these amazing (y/e/c) eyes. i had to talk to her.

"someone's gotta crush, go talk to her dude." he said, hitting my shoulder lightly.

"y-yeah, i think i will." i say, fixing my hair and clearing my throat.

i walk over to her, my palms growing sweaty. what if she rejects me? what if i embarrass myself? god, calm down river.

i walk up to her booth, and stand in front of her.

"is this seat taken?" I ask her, motioning to the empty seat in front of her.

she looks up from her laptop, and i make eye contact with those beautiful eyes.

"nope, you're welcome to sit." she said sweetly, offering me a smile.

i return a smile, and sit down.

"hi, my names river." i say, introducing myself.

she moves her laptop to the side, and takes off her glasses.

"beautiful name. im y/n. you from around here?" she asks.

"yeah, im actually visiting my family." i reply.

"oh wow, cool." she said. she seemed genuinely interested. i liked that.

i smiled. "how about you?"

"yeah, i live here. im actually in college here, studying for finals." she said, motioning to her laptop.

"wow nice, what's your major?" i asked, running a hand through my hair.

"animal science. i want to be a veterinarian." she smiled shyly, showing her evident dimples.

"that's amazing! i love animals." i said excitedly.

"really? me too!" she said, her eyes lighting up.

"can i buy you another coffee?" i suggest.

"thanks for the offer, but i actually should be heading back to my dorm, it's getting late." she says, looking at her watch. she began to pack her things into her backpack.

"before you leave, do you think i could get your number?" i said, my cheeks heating up.

her cheeks grew rosy as well. "yeah, sure."

she pulled out a pen and wrote the digits on a napkin. she folded the napkin and handed to me. she zipped up her backpack and slung it around her shoulder. she stood up and put her glasses back on.

"it was nice meeting you, river." she smiled brightly.

"same to you." i reply, a small smile growing on my face, once again.

i watched as she walked out of the coffee shop. i look down at the napkin she handed to me, and i unfold it.

call me, river :) <3


my heart flutters, and i stick the napkin in my pocket. i stand up and begin to walk out of the coffee shop, before i hear josh speak from behind the counter.

"you're welcome, man."


I'm actually rly proud of this i had writers block for a lil bit there

i hope u guys liked this!!

(6/19/19)- hi i updated it a little bc i wanted that one part where i said the characters hair and eye color to be changed to (y/h/c) and (y/e/c). bc i just didn't think it was fair to make a character based off of how i look when it's an imagine for YOU GUYS!!! sorry i was selfish about that, but it's changed now :)

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