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you walk into school, with your friend emily. the smell of body odor and cheap perfume filling your nostrils.

"so has river wished you happy birthday yet?" emily asked, walking beside you.

"no. i think he might have forgotten." you say sadly.

"y/n, you've been dating for three years. there's no way he forgot." emily said, trying to reassure you.

"i guess you're right." you say, brushing your hair behind my ear.

"i know i am. hey, i gotta go to class. text me if anything happens." she says, giving you a warm hug before walking off to her american history class.

you sigh, and continue walking. you see river and a few other people crowded around your locker. you walk up to them, looking around.

"what's going on?" you ask.

they all move out of the way, so you can see your locker. it was decorated with balloons and streamers and pictures of you. in big bright letters, it read "happy birthday y/n".

your eyes light up and a huge grin spreads on your face. you open your locker, and pink and white balloons fall out. the inside of your locker was also decorated with pictures and streamers.

"oh my god! who did this?" you say, still studying the beautifully decorated locker.

everyone points to a smiling river. you look at him and shake your head in disbelief. his cheeks redden and he shrugs. you envelop your boyfriend in a warm hug. he wraps his muscular arms around you securely. he kisses your forehead and rubs your back.

"thank you so much, river." you whisper.

"of course, angel." he whispers back.

you hear aw's from all around you and you blush. you release from his grasp and turn to your locker once again. everyone starts to disperse and walk away, which gives you a chance to talk to your boyfriend.

"when did you do this?" you ask him, grabbing a picture of you and him that was taped to your locker door.

"last night. i snuck on the property and did it all. it look like an hour and i almost got caught but it was so worth it to see the look on your face." he laughed, slinging his arm around your shoulder and resting his head on the top of yours.

"it's amazing. i can't believe you did this all for me." you say, looking up at him.

"of course i did, you're my princess." he said, grabbing your hands and swinging them back and forth.

"for a second there i thought you forgot about my birthday." you said.

"never in a million years. i just thought telling you in person and you seeing this was more meaningful than a phone call or text." he said.

"you're too good for me, phoenix." you smile, shaking your head.

"no. you're too good for me, y/l/n." he smirks, pressing a warm kiss to your lips, your hands still intertwined.


i wish a boy would do this for me :(

im so fucking single

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