PREFERENCE | habits??

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ty for 200 reads!!

- he has quite a handful of habits
- i mean as well as somehow eating the vast majority of your food
- it doesn't make any sense because some days you don't even see him eat at all and it's fucking worrying
- but then on other days every single cabinet in your kitchen has been stripped bAre by his greedy lil' fingers
- his fast metabolism is the subject of envy for anyone in gotham
- another habit he has is just leaving the house in absolute silence
- for example you'll be in the living room and he'll be in the kitchen eating and you'll hear him pick up his phone and within a minute he'll have walked into the living room, picked up the rest of his guns and shut the front door behind him as he leaves without a word
- i mean obviously you know that he's going out on a hit but honestly he just ups and leaves because he's so used to not having anyone around him :):
- he doesn't even realise that he's done it until he's on his way back but when he comes through the door again a couple of hours later he just wipes his boots on the mat and apologises quietly
- victor also has a habit of mumbling in his sleep
- for a man of few words he sure does say a fucking lot in the early hours of the morning
- you can't even decipher what he's saying it's just incoherent muttering but it's quite cute really,, at least you know that he hasn't bloody died because he sleeps completely fucking stock-still on his back or on his side
- but tbh even though he looks dead he wakes up at the slightest abnormal sound,, he is an assassin after all
- scars on one arm, nicotine patches on the other

ginger sap
- he has loads of bad habits™ ofc
- including scratching at his legs and arms,, it's just constant scratching when he gets impatient or stressy until his skin is red and raw
- he pulls at his hair and bites his nails as well when he's in a mood
- an obvious bad habit is his tendency of getting extremely fucking irritated and riled up over anything
- like greenwood can sit down in a chair and jerome would leap up in a growling hissy fit in a second
- random outbursts of cackling or snickering is another bad habit,,, or good habit depending on how you feel
- frequent and remorseless homicide is just another bulletpoint on his list

- he always thinks that bruce's impulsive behaviour is his fault and you always have to remind him that bruce has had to go through a fuck ton of life-changing shit in only a few years and that would change anyone let alone just a teenager
- alf also has a habit of furiously washing dishes when he's stuck in a hole of worrying about bruce
- like the dishes are fucking clean but he's just standing there over the sink scrubbing the motherfucking plates into oblivion

- his bad habit is overthinking things
- like of course it's understandable,, everyone has given him so much shit over the years and how could he ever trust anyone properly again without spiralling into every different scenario of his friends betraying him??? anti-swag
- oz also tends to become aggressive and irrational when things don't go his way like the big baby he is uwu

- i'm talking about the soft nerdy edward nygma here when i say that he has a habit of apologising way too much for the smallest of things
- like he'd be ten minutes late to something and he'd insist on cooking you the most extravagant dinner and he'd apologise profusely throughout the evening despite you telling him multiple times that everything is fine
- ed also bites his nails when he gets anxious at the gcpd,, which is almost always
- everyone just acts so brash and condescending towards him so you don't blame him for being so nervous
- i mean you try your best to distract him but he always feels inadequate compared to the likes of harvey and jim

jervis tits
- he always takes out his pocket watch and just stares into the clock face until his eyes unfocus and he just leaves his body yaknow he's not there anymore he's just a vacant vessel™ and you have to shake him out of it sooner of later
- jervis also hoards your stuff
- he just thinks it's so special when something means so much to you and he just has to keep it safe

victor salty fries
- he runs his hand through his hair when he gets stressed
- he's very protective
- he obviously doesn't want to be annoying or dominating he just really fucking cares alright
- he tinkers with his suit a lot when he has a problem just so he can focus himself?? he's just sitting there in his personal refrigerator hunched over his suit just muttering to himself

lmao can you tell i love zsasz the most by the sheer amount of content for him compared to other characters snbddb,, also i'm currently in the process of writing a oneshot request for alfred so stay tuned for that shit!!

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