uh-oh | chapter 6

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Y/n's pov

After we got back I decided to just watch Netflix until we had to show students around the school.

Ten minutes into an episode of my favourite drama Jiwon turns to me, "Y/n..who's bed's do you think those are?" I looked across the room to the two beds lying empty opposite from us "I'm not sure, maybe they're just running late" I replied lazily, not paying much attention to anything but my laptop. That was until my stomach made a loud grumbling noise, causing Jiwon to laugh at me.

"c'mon," she says pulling me up "let's go steal some food from the kitchen" This was something we did regularly last year, I smiled and put my shoes on. Jiwon checks the corridor through the peephole in the door. Giving me the thumbs up I stand and pick up the key from the dest next to me.

Suddenly a loud rustling comes from outside the door. We give each other questioning looks as it gets closer and closer and stops in front of our door. We stare, frozen like statues, as the handle of the door twists and opens.

A boy with blonde hair appears from the other side and we just stand, frozen in place as he pushes the door open further.

There is another boy standing behind him, pushing his friend and his suitcase forward, neither of them seems to notice us as they heave their heavy bags into the room. The blonde boy in the front makes eye contact with us suddenly and freezes immediately.

"Chan can you please hurry up, why are you not moving?" The dark haired boy behind him complains.

"Sorry! We must have the wrong room- Hyunjin move this is the wrong room" the boy, who I'm assuming is named Chan says, whispering the last part.

The boy behind him, Hyunjin, replies confused "But the key says Room 80? This is room 80!"

I snap back into reality and look at Jiwon, then at the two beds, then back to Jiwon. "Uh-oh," We say together. The boys were talking about what to do from the doorway but we were too concerned about the two spare beds that sat in our room, and the two boys that stood at our door who were here to take them.

"Erm... I'm sorry but are you guys sure you have the right room?" Chan questions, "We were brought here and given the key so I think so but there must have been a mix up.." Jiwon answers him, confusion written all over her face.

I took the silver key out of my back pocket, the keychain swinging, the number 80 printed in bold on the front. Chan held one identical to mine in hand.

We invite the boys in so we can talk about what to do about this mix-up. Chan finally moves out of the doorway, letting me see the boy standing behind him. My breath hitches when I saw it was the boy from earlier, the one I saw through the window.

He's even cuter in person, and tall- Y/n! Snap out of it, this is not the time! Still, I can't help but stare at him as he shuts the door behind him.

~20 minutes later~

After a thorough conversation about what to do next, we decided that telling the teachers was not a good idea. Sure we were breaking the rules but if we said anything we would all get split up from our friends. We decided instead to speak to Mrs Kim, the housekeeper, and get her advice before we did anything serious. The only problem was that we had to find her first...

We ended up at the main entrance, after checking every corridor, and every stairway, but she was nowhere to be found. "Where could she be?..." I said to myself. Chan suggested we give up and find her later, which we all agreed was a good idea, apart from Jiwon, who was starring out the windows.

I was just about to elbow her to gain her attention when she says "I think I found her," we followed her eyes and seen Mrs Kim, standing in the sunshine, watering the flowers outside.

We headed towards the large wooden front door and marched through.

Hyunjin pov

"Mrs Kim!" I heard Jiwon screech from in front of us. We followed behind her slowly. I held the door open for Y/n, who smiled shyly at me... cute.

"Hello, darlings what's the matter?" Mrs Kim said. Mrs Kim was a short, kind looking women and I could tell she was quite close with the two girls.

"Mrs, we're in a bit of a pickle," said Y/n, "the four of us have been put in a room together..." The four of us watched as her eyes hovered over us. "Oh... Oh yes, that is a bit of a problem," she said slowly, "come follow me and we can speak to Mrs Sung-"

"Actually Mrs, we were hoping we wouldn't tell them..." Chan piped up, her brows furrowed "What? why not?" looking at me and Chan with slight suspicion. "Well, Jiwon and I don't want to get split up, and neither do Chan and Hyunjin..." Y/n added, my heart jumped a little when she said my name, jeez I need to calm down.

"Fine fine, ill keep your little secret, but any trouble," she aimed her stare at Chan and I "there will be consequences!" We nodded quickly. She gave us one final smile before she sent us back up to our rooms.

"Thank you, Mrs!" We all screamed and ran back inside.

[ That was pretty terrible I'm sorry lol, I have a lot of school work so I don't really have time to write much and this is a bit rushed but writing relieves my stress (even if I'm not that great at it) so I'm going to try to squeeze it in more often. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! It's a pretty long one 1000 words, so I hope it wasn't too dragging <3 ]

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2019 ⏰

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