one, one

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"Brandon, stop looking at me like that, it doesn't hurt as bad as the first one," she rolled her eyes but kept the smile on her face. "it's the sixth this month."

Angie's dazed eyes snapped close when she felt the needle enter her skin as the nurse looked for a vein. "Have you been eating, Ms. Dasia?" The slender woman asked her. The truth was she hadn't eaten much in the past couple months and she wasn't planning on doing so anytime soon. She was ready to die and doing things to prevent it were far from her mind this far down the road.

She hated the feeling of selfishness that lingered around her, especially around Brandon. He had always been there for her. From the moment he laid his eyes on her from behind his thick black frames he was always around her. They would both always remember that day on the playground in first grade when they met.

"Yep, that's my girl friend, Dasia." The short boy said to the group of small children he called his friends.

"Oh yeah?" A pale girl by the name of Tiffany asked.

"Yeah, I can even prove it." Brandon proclaimed getting bold even though he didn't know the girl at all. He had a crush on her since the school year started but was too afraid to speak to her.

"Well do it, wimp." Tiffany's best friend, Sammi, dared. Her words broke down Brandon's falsely confident exterior. "But she l-looks peaceful, a-and I don't want to bother her," he spoke fumbling with his words before turning his head in her direction and then quickly turning back.

"can't you see she's reading, respect her intelligence." He let out hastly in the best condoning tone he could muster. "I don't think she'd mind, you are her boyfriend, right?" Tiffany challenged.

"You know you really get on my nerves." He sighed before walking slowly over to her and he nervously tapped her shoulder. "Hey, D-Dasia, I'm B-B-Brandon-" she laughed at his weak attempt to introduce myself.

"I know who you are, silly, I'm glad you finally decided to stop staring and talk to me." She smiled as she scooted over on the small bench.

He fumbled with his fingers and looked down at his shoes, blushing from the knowledge the girl had of his actions. He didn't know he made it so obvious. "Well aren't you going to sit?"

His head perked up at her invitation and he sat beside her. "Thank you," He smiled nervously "can I tell you something?"

She nodded in response as she put her book in her back pack. "I think you look beautiful today, I like the butterfly clips on you." Brandon complemented shyly causing her to smile.

"Thank you, Brandon." She smiled and wrapped her small arms around his neck before she pecked his cheek.

Brandon's surprised expression, one that didn't compare to the expressions of Tiffany and Sammi, caused her to giggle. "Why'd you do that?" He asked her.

"You are my boyfriend, right?" The question made his eyes go wide making her giggle again. "You and your friends don't speak very softly."

Soon the two children were whisked away into light conversation. He learned her favorite colors were pink and yellow, she loved Sasha from Bratz, and she liked being called Angie. She got him to open up a little bit before she noticed her mother and hopped up off the bench putting on her back pack.

"My mommy's here, but I'll see you tomorrow, Brandon." She said before bending down and giving him another hug.

Just that alone made Brandon blush as he watched her walk away and into her mother's arms.

From that moment on the two were nearly inseparable. There was never a weak moment with the two, where you'd find one you'd find the other. She was there through every talent endeavor he went through and he did the same for her.

Brandon took her diagnosis harder than she did. He felt like he lost her before she was even gone. The sixteen year old emotionally lost his best friend that day and ever since then he worked tremendously to not lose her physically too. Every appointment, surgery, consultation, Brandon was present and he didn't rest until he knew she was okay.

He went from her boyfriend to her father and Angie was more than grateful, but she didn't like being babied, she wanted to be independent like she'd always been. An illness didn't change her or her feelings.

She looked up at the nurse and bit her lip letting a silence glaze over the room. Brandon looked up at her again with a confused face; it's a simple question. Angolia sighed, "not that much," she lied.

"My new medication doesn't give me much of an appetite, I'll work on it." Brandon rolled her eyes because he knew she was lying.

The frail nurse sent her a light smile, "Alright Ms. Dasia, the doctor will be in shortly." She announced when she found a vein. Once the nurse left Angie and Brandon were left in complete silence as his eyes bored into the side of her head.

"Why haven't you been eating, Ang?" He asked her calmly because yelling got them nowhere and they both knew it.

"I just haven't been hungry." She lied even though she knew it wouldn't get her far.

"Don't give me that bullshit, Dasia, tell me why you haven't been eating." The waver in his voice evident since he was on the borderline of getting upset.

"I don't know Brandon!" Angie's voice rose even though she was nervous. Being in these situations always frightened her. She wasn't afraid of his anger but how they would stand when he calmed down.

"You know, Angie, it's your body, why aren't you eating?" He asked again getting louder. He didn't mean to become angry but he couldn't help it. Brandon was afraid.

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