two, two

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Over the course of the next few weeks, Brandon had seen quite a bit of Lei. Edwin and Nala had come out to 360 as a couple making Nala and Briana regular faces at the home. With each visit Brandon would try to build enough courage to speak to her but his confidence always crumbled beneath his feet leaving him feeling like a coward.

He felt the same way he did on that playground on that hot afternoon in school; he felt like he was reliving her. The thoughts that started to swarm him with just her name put him in a state of misery and Briana became her spitting image.

Briana herself had tried to speak to Brandon a few times as he was her best friends, boyfriends, best friend and she wanted to be atleast on speaking terms. As soon as she'd let out a hello though, it's like she never spoke at all. Brandon would either be left dumbfounded and a look of restlessness etched his face or he made an excuse to walk away but looked apologetic like he didn't want to, and he didn't; he was scared.

He wanted to be close with her but it's like he couldn't because he was afraid she'd be like the only person he thought he'd ever need. He didn't want to be left heartbroken again over something neither of them could control.

Lei was not aware of what he was going through just by her being around him. All the girl wanted was an interaction.

"Do you have a problem with me?" She asked him abruptly in the middle of one of 360's many parties.

"Excuse me?" Brandon asked, finally speaking to her. "Every time I try to approach you, it seems as if I grow two heads and you can't leave fast enough, so if you have a problem with me I want to know what it is." She huffed because she didn't like being ignored.

"I'm sorry, I guess you just remind me of someone, I didn't mean to make you feel unwanted." Brandon apologized realizing his fear was yet again putting him in bad situations.

"Truth is, I've been wanting to talk to you but I guess I just couldn't build up the courage and speak to you; can I start over?" He asked nervously since he thought she seen him as someone she didn't like.

The chocolate skin girl raised a brow and looked him up and down giving him a once over feeling like he was suspect. "I guess," she started.

"I'm Lei." Lei said as she put her hand out for a shake but that wasn't flying with him. He grabbed her hand and pulled her into a hug. "I'm Brandon, nice to meet you."

For the next few hours of the party Lei and Brandon's barrier slowly started to fall below him. He liked Lei, he liked how she spoke and how she moved her body, not in the sexual way but just the pure sense of her sensuality. From the way her body swayed to the soft buzz in the background to the way her hands moved when she spoke, he thought she was breathtaking.

He thought she was gorgeous and so much more. From her words she was a lot smarter than he was and he believed that made her all the more worth while.

"Are you paying attention to me?" Lei asked lightly laughing as she told him the story of her and Nala's first time going out together.

"I am, I just like the way your hair jewels look in the light, you look really pretty." He confessed not really knowing he did. She wasn't one for much flattery, if she received a complement she took it with a grain of salt and made another for her counterpart.

"Thank you, Brandon." She smiled and his mind became hypotonic and flooded itself with everything she had offered and more. He liked his name rolling off her tongue.


It sounded different when she said it and he couldn't get enough. "Can you say that again please?" He asked hoping she wouldn't question him.

Luckily for him, she didn't but she wanted to. "I said thank you, Brandon." He bit the corner of his surprisingly unchapped lips and nodded. "You're welcome, Lei."

"Do you want to dance?" He asked as the song shifted from one of violence to one of the sensuality she held so strongly. "I would love to." She smiled and grabbed onto his outstretched hand.

In their time Brandon swayed her across the almost empty wooden floor of his living room as her skin shone under the dim lighting. Parker took pictures ever now and again to post on Instagram when they became a couple because he knows what's up. The way the two moved together with ease as smiles caressed their faces was like magic that no one wanted to take them away from.

When everyone left the music continued to play on low for the two. The soft and sultry taste the music, that filled the room made, made them feel as if they weren't even dancing but only in the company of each other and it was euphoric; in the moment they didn't want to leave.

What they experienced wasn't a thing of love or lust but of two lost people finding each other as that's all they could do right now. Although they could lust, they both believed they couldn't love what they didn't know but what they were creating was nothing short of beautiful to be.

In the long moments she thought of erasing her past and letting her problems disappear while creating something new with him; he thought of her and only her and how spectacular she was up close. She may not have been his first love but she was nothing short of lovely and he refused to let another amazing girl go.

Bro all my shit is about dead girls,
like damn I need to brighten up.

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