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"And this is my best friend from school, Aaliyah." Brandon finally introduced the two that he had told both so much about. He and Aaliyah had rekindled their friendship when they parted ways at Angie's funeral. They missed their friendship and both needed a piece of home more than they thought they did.

"Oh my gosh," she started before giving a quick hug to Brandon and then pushing him away. "Move" She mumbled as she pushed him away.

"You move, she's my girlfriend-"

"Well she's about to be my friend so if you'd move that'd be amazing Lee, thank you."

"Fuck you, Elaine!"

"I'm pretty sure that's for you and Lei, so leave me alone" Aaliyah whisper yelled back as she pushed him away making him stumbled away as the two girls watched chuckling into their hands before he stood upright and then jumped at Aaliyah making her jump right back.

"Bitch" the both mumbled to themselves in unison before Brandon went to go catch up with his family and to familiarize himself with Lei's as Aaliyah turned around to have conversation with Lei. "I'm sorry, he's still a crackhead." The two laughed before her and Lei brought each other into a hug.

"He is a mess, but I love him." She said causing Aaliyah to gush seeing Brandon, who was like her brother, finally settling on someone who cared about him. "I'm glad, after Angie I thought he'd either never find someone or run through people until he had a midlife crisis or some shit. He had me worried for a while until he started talking about you."

"He talks about me?" Lei marveled like it was a surprise. "Girl, the question is will he stop? That nigga is obsessed with you, like he really loves you. He gets so upset when something doesn't go right with you guys, I think sometimes it physically takes a toll on him." She exposed as Lei got interested.

"That night Maggie showed up and started being disrespectful, he had a whole night planned for you outside of just dinner and it was literally so beautiful- wish a nigga would love me like Brandon loves you." She ended with a very relatable statement causing Lei to laugh.

"Girl, he talks about you too, not gonna lie at first I thought you were his boo on the low-" she said causing Aaliyahs face to contort into one of disgust. "Ew! As if." Aaliyah said being grossed out by just the thought.

"Yeah, he told me that he was always jealous of you growing up, you had the outgoing spirit and the brains to outdo him at anything most of the time, and he was surprised you took up psychiatry instead of music like you dreamed." Aaliyah was surprised none the less.

"That bitch, he was jealous of me- I used to hate him because of how great he was at music because we both know he's amazing, and then he was always so athletic. I was jealous of how he could let shit go too, had to learn how to do that shit the hard way."

"Girl, who are you telling- some of the shit he be doing makes me want to slam his ass." This caused Aaliyah to roll her eyes. "Girl," She said dragging out the 'l.' As the two girls continued on talking Brandon had made his way around and now he was sitting at a table occupied by the other boys, as well as their girlfriends, but only holding conversation with Nick.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Brandon said as he eyed his best friend and his girlfriend. "You, fool."

"Nah they got hella in common," he started just to be cut off again. "But mainly you, this is your and Lei's family gathering, Aaliyah's fine ass is your best friend, basically sister, and Lei is your girlfriend. Has it not added up or do we need to go over it again."

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