two, one

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"Brandon I promise you, this is going to be fun, life changing even, and you get to meet my girlfriend first." Edwin raved as they got out of the car. It was poetry slam night and Edwin was dying to let someone know where he was sneaking off to and who he was hoping to see when he did.

"Oh you made it official?" Brandon laughed, "I'm so proud of you, you finally fully got over Tiffany." This caused him to roll his eyes as they walked into the earthen cafe. "That rat is a mere figment of my wildest daydreams and a sick figment of the imagination. Nothing more and a lot less."

"She has you speaking like a poet too, I need to meet this amazing woman for myself, she's doing you good." Brandon complemented. "Bitch I know." Edwin replied causing the mixed boy to let out one of his giggles as they went over to an empty table in the front.

The lights dimmed as the two seated themselves since they were a little late. After a couple people with mediocre talent came Nala, Edwin's girl, and in his opinion the best, tool to the stage. When she came up on the stage her presence was immediately acknowledged as if she was meant to be in the spotlight.

Her untamed Afro bounced with her swift movements as she clasped onto the microphone and began what would have thought to be the best poem heard that night. Her words were spoken with ease and her confidence radiated from her honey toned skin like this was first nature. After she performed her short exert from something she didn't want to reveal just yet, she personally introduced the next poet as her friend, Lei.

As Nala left Lei approached not really displaying anything but nerves and false confidence. Her chocolate skin shone under the fluorescent lights and her braids swung behind her back, making the jewelry that endowed it shine when it was caught in the light.

When Brandon caught sight of her, his breath grew short. She was beautiful; nothing short of a masterpiece. The melanin in her skin was that of pool of chocolate that he wanted to surround himself in endlessly. As she clutched onto the microphone, Lei let out a sigh as she looked to the crowd then down to Nala telling her it was alright.

With her false confidence wavering and her high hopes starting to decline her lips parted and she spoke.

"I tried to feel happy. I tried so hard yet I couldn't get it right." She started. Her voice was calming and neutral but it was sweet like sugar and was smooth like honey.

"I am only capable of feeling sixth tenths of hurt and sadness and the last fourth filled of hot raging anger." She clenched the microphone looking down as she fought back what she felt building in the back of her throat.

"I am not sorry for how I wilted with the skinny blue noose around my neck as you continued to cut my stem and rip at my thorns," Lei felt hurt and angry so her rage easily was detected, and by some respected. "I am not sorry."

"I am not sorry about the words that tumbled out of my enraged tongue slipping through my thick brownish-pink lips and falling right into your lap of lies; I am not sorry." With every word she spoke her emotions were dripping with the way she felt without the need to say it.

Her head had raised, her shoulders fell back, and her whole body showed a look of confidence and attitude; Brandon admired how breathtaking that was.

"I am not sorry for the night I was no longer myself and you knew this yet you continuously cut at my only working heartstring until it was no more; I am not sorry." Her face twisted with disdain as she got to the middle of her poem.

"I am not sorry mother, please let me be."

"I am no longer sorry for the ways you made me feel about myself as you force fed me lies about me not being worthy of love as I was nothing more than a mistake; I am no longer sorry." She spoke as her voice grew angrier like she flipped a switch. Her eyes grew wild and in a way, so did she.

"I am no longer sorry about being my father in every way possible or not at all; I am no longer sorry." Lei's voice began to waver but she refused to cry as everyone was on edge and she wanted to keep them there.

"I am not sorry for how I am going to make you regret the way you treated me; I am not sorry as I seek the bittersweet taste of happiness trickle down from my lips, past my teeth and down my throat swallowing my happiness before it's gone." She spoke with a slightly quicker pace building up to the final line, just to let it fall to her beginning calm tone.

"I am never sorry mother, believe me."


If you know where this is from, you're a real one, but now I feel like it's really bad from how long ago I wrote it, it's just always been the one I felt had the most meaning to it besides my other major one.

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