What's Mine Is Mine

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     Aries had always love creating things whether it was a painting, drawing, or music. She won many awards on her artwork growing up, art schools around the country were offering full-ride scholarships to their schools.

     But, she was head-over-heels for her current boyfriend, Deontre. She never really had anyone to look up to as a man so the way he treated her felt...Normal? He broke down her confidence and her will to fight back against his emotional and physical abuse. 
She decided the best thing for her and her "relationship" was to stay and go to a local art college. The college was a cool 45 minutes away from her shared apartment.

    But here she is now standing in front of her door too scared to walk in, afraid. Afraid that his mood isn't great today. Afraid that a fist would connect to her face when she walks in. Afraid that he knew that he knew... knew she no longer loved him.

   Aries shook as she pulled her locks of curly hair into a bun on the top of her hair and reached for her keys. her sweaty and shaky hand turned the knob only to see Deontre asleep on the couch. Aries released a shaky breath she wasn't aware she held only to hear.

  "go to this store. I want a beer and don't take to fucking long either." Deontre's tone of voice frightened her so she just nodded and walked right back out the door. She wishes she didn't have to go through always being scared, she wants to leave but maybe she can fix it.

She just put in her headphones and walked towards the store, tear running down her bruised and sore face. Unable to even attempt to smile...


"Will pull into the BP we runnin' low on snacks" William's beta Jordan spoke from the passenger seat, causing William's head to snap in his direction but quickly looking back at the road "you need to learn to speak to me correctly" was all he responded with before pulling into the gas station.

 William stayed in the car not really wanting anything until he smelt the sweetest and intriguing smell. The scent was one of an apple pie. Cinnamon Apples. That is mine, was the only thing that came to mind. His body moved on its own and his wolf was beyond out of control but...

What's Mine Is Mine

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