She's MINE

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Aries has always had a feeling when someone is watching her and she could feel it now, but it's different. She decided to ignore her gut and just walk into the store soon hearing the door open behind her. 

"hey" a deep voice behind her broke her attention away from the array of snacks and candy on the shelves. Aries dark brown eyes met icy green ones that sparkled with an emerald glow to them. Aries nodded, she can't really find the words to respond with. Her throat went dry when the door opened again, revealing... Johnny.

 He knew what Deontre does but he doesn't care, they both have the same twisted nature. Aries soon realized that her and this man she's never met before were merely inches apart and making the strongest eye contact. The pull he had on her was strange, Strong, yet loved. From his strong jaw to his longish brown hair.

"Mate" was the only thing that came out of his mouth before pulling Aries into a strong hug. Aries breathe hitched. The pleasurable tingles surrounded her and she sub-consciously wrapped her arms around his waist.

William snuggled his head into her neck and took in her scent, reluctantly he pulled away looking at his beautiful mate. She had that prettiest dark brown eyes and  brown skin, she stood around 5"8 with a curvy figure. Her long locs pulled into a bun on the top of her head.

She started to feel uncomfortable under his gaze and took a step back realizing, Johnny was here. And watching, the last thing she wanted was for him to tell Deontre and make him mad. 

Aries pushed past the mystery man and went to pay for her thing, brushing the hot feeling she had felt all over when he touched her, "wait!" she stopped raising her eyebrow at him " yes?" she said softly, her throat dry.

"what's your name?"


Aries and William have been sitting outside of the store talking and for some reason, Aries felt like she's known him for her whole life. They were laughing when a car pulled up and, and a very angry Deontre jumped out. Fear struck Aries in an overwhelming wave of emotion, William saw her frightened face and looked in the direction her eyes were looking at.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARIES!" he yelled as he grabbed her by her forearm jacking her up so she was standing in front of him. " Don't touch her like that" William warned not wanting to lose control of his wolf in front of Aries.

"DON'T YOU DARE TRY TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO! She's my bitch, not yours."

That word... He used to describe my mate... William's eyes shifted as he stood up and grabbed Aries by her other arm pulling her into his chest. The desire to protect her was way stronger than anything he's ever felt before. William mind-linked with Jordan who was in the car, 'He touched my mate!' ... He's not worth it, bring her and come on he gives me a bad vibe. look at how scared she is"

Aries felt safe in Williams' arm, and it scared her. She shouldn't feel this with someone she just met. "go away, she's MINE now leave." Willam growled that made Aries and Deontre jump, the way he growled. Sounded inhumane.

Deontre stood there, shocked. Aries has never even thought of not listening to him knowing damn well what will happen if she ever went against his word. But yet here she stood, in another man's arms. Anger radiated through him, his ego was being crushed and he hated the feeling. He took a step back reaching into the waistband of his pants. Pulling out a gun.

Aries body shook with fear as she broke away from William's arms and ran towards deontre, " don't please let's go home. Please" he slowly put his gun down and grabbed Aries pulling her towards his car. A tear rolled down Aries's face, she knew...

Once she gets home. He won't hesitate to break her down even more. Her cracked and chipped soul will be crushed and he would enjoy.

As they rode away, Aries and William's eyes never broke contact, for a split second, she could've sworn she saw them glow a bright green then the hot tear trickled down her face.

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