You're safe, I promise

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The way he looked at me, the way he talked to me... The way he listened, was something I never experienced before. He talked to me as if I mattered yet, he barely knew me.  But I didn't feel that way.

The feeling of the car coming to a halt shook Aries from her thoughts, "get the hell out of my car and wait for me upstairs." was all that came out of Deontre's mouth, the calming tone of his voice took her by surprise but mostly scared her. She nodded exiting the car and ran up the stairs to their shared apartment.

There she sat on the couch, shaking. The thought of what he would do when he got upstairs terrified her, she just wanted to run. Run and never come back, be happy. The powdery white substance that was placed in rows on the coffee table in front of her just struck more fear into her heart.

The door swung open with a thud, there stood Deontre. His pupils dilated, body shaking with anger, and fist clenched. He rushed over to her pulling her by her arm and throwing her to the ground.

"WHO TOLD YOU, YOU COULD TALK TO ANOTHER MAN!!!!" he screamed at the top of his lungs. Aries winced and prepared to be struck with the pain she was all too familiar with.

And soon it came.

The feeling of him pounding his fist to the back of her head and back as she hunched over and screamed into the floor. He grabbed her shoulder and turned her roughly. Only to connect his fist harshly to her face, repeatedly.

"PLEASEEE!!!! sTOP" Aries screamed and screamed but that only fueled him more, to him, she needed to know who she belonged to. 


William's knuckles turned white as he gripped the steering wheel, the feeling of his mate being hurt washed over his body. His foot pressed harder on the gas making his beta fly back into his seat by the force of it.

" you have to slow down man.." " MY MATES BEING HURT, FUCK THAT" William growled loudly over the roar of his car.

He followed her scent to an apartment complex, only to hear the screams of is mate "PLEASSSEEE!!! sTOP!" her screams hit him like a bullet. His mate was being hurt and he wasn't there to protect her. 
William rushed up the stairs and busted the door down only to see something that made his body shake in anger.


Aries whithered on the ground in and out of consciousness and she suddenly felt the feeling of his fist and feet stop colliding with her face and body. The room started spinning, she felt herself being picked up flinched.

"You're safe, I promise." was all she heard before the room went black...




A/N sorry this chapter is short

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