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     Aries struggled to keep her eyes open as William swerved and sped through traffic in the direction of the pack house. His shirt clung to his body uncomfortably due to sweat, and blood that unfortunately belonged to his mate.

The sheer image of anyone hurting his mate mentally of physically made his blood boil and tears threaten to fall from his eyes. The mate bond was only something he's been told about, and how strong it will be for him when he found his own. He never expected nor wanted to find his mate, William knew that with him being alpha his mate would always be on someone's hit list.

All this went out the window when he saw her, she was more beautiful than any girl he's seen nor been with. 

William's heart broke when his beloved mate flinched away from him too scared to be touched.

"p-please take me home" she croaked out. William face contorted in confusion, why wold she want to go back?

William looked behind him the smell of his family filled his nose telling him the knew he was back, with his mate that he had rose hell over upon feeling her pain. Aries small hand touched his shoulder regaining his attention, "please take me home, I-I d-don't want him to be mad" Aries voice was small and strained but she knew when Deontre saw her she was in for it. The last thing she wanted was to make him more angry than nessesary.

Ignoring her protest, William picked Aries shaking, and aching body from the backseat of his Range Rover. She felt as though she should have fought but the tingle that ran through her body and a voice inside of her head told her against it.

Will ran towards the door being met with his mother and father, the pack doctor, his beta that ran home after 'dealing' with Deontre knowing if Will was to do it, murder would be on the packs hands. They all looked in horror, Aries had slipped unconsious. Her face was bruised and bloody and her clothing was torn in several places.

"Will-" his mother started but William cut her off "HELP HER!" he screamed tears rolling down his face, the overwhelming amount of feeling hit him like a truck. He was never one to show much emotion but her here he is, face stained with tears and knees threatening to give out. He could feel his mates fear, pain, and sadness. He just wanted her to wake up, and smile that beautiful smile she showed earlier at the store.

The pack nurse, Laura, and william gently put Aries on the medical bed.

"what happened?" Laura asked glancing at William then worked on removing Aries's clothng to treat all of her wounds.

"he beat her. The fucker beat her because she was with me." William boomed through the room although he wasn't yelling. A growls rumbled through the room, his parents were very upset. The growls quickly turned to gasps upon seeing Aries body.

Williams eyes flickered between their normal icy blue/green to pitch black, there was glass in her arms and legs from the coffee table that had broken her fall. Bruises fresh and healing littered her body, and yet Aries still had the thought that it was her fault.

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