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I rolled over only to feel an empty bed that didn't feel like my own. My head hurts and my body ached as I sat up and looked around. The room was painted grey and there was a monitor next to the bed beside a table with a lamp and a glass of water.

The door swung open William stormed in the room, making me flinch.

" why am I here, ion know you-" was the first thing to come to mind so that's what I said, I don't know him we met yesterday and had ONE conversation yet here I am in what I guess his home.

" you were hurt I helped you. Your welcome."

I just stared at him, I didn't need help. If he didn't go all weird and shit and start hugging me in a damn gas station. I might not be able to fight off Deondre but I can sure take a hit or two. It was my fault anyway, I put myself in the situation. '

"You hungry?" he continued after noticing I wasn't gonna answer, I nodded not really knowing what to say. What does he want, no guy helps me unless they want something in return. 

He stood at the edge of the bed and stared at me for a second, before walking over to the door in the corner a different one from the one he walked through which turned out to be a closet, pulling out spandex Nike shorts, a t-shirt, underclothes, a hoodie, and socks.

" my sister bought you clothes for when you woke up-" he sat the clothes on the edge of the bed " the bathroom is over there, what you need is in there already come downstairs when your done" that's all he said before he walked out.

Leaving me there with a dumb look on my face.


After I took a shower in the very large bathroom I took notice of how neat everything was, and nicely decorated. It was very different from my apartment, everything was in its place and it didn't smell like weed and beer like mine did most of the time. The smell resembled... Pie. Apple pie. It was strange because the smell smells like William as weird as that may sound.

I sat on the bed, moisturizing and pulling on my socks, there was a knock on the door followed by a female voice.

"ma'am alpha wanted to know if you're ready?" 

"Alpha?" Aries questioned, pulling on the shirt and hoodie. Who the hell has people call them alpha.

"Mr.William ma'am", --oh? 

"I'm coming miss, give me a second please." I heard footsteps walking away from the door.

I noticed a full body mirror in the corner, my eyes traveled up my body I had bruises on my legs. They weren't very noticeable due to the fact I'm darker but you can still see them. Sighing I pulled my hair into a low bun and put the hoddie over, to hide some of the bruises on my face. 'He really fucked me up this time'. 

I made my way down the stairs, his house was huge. At the bottom, there was a dining room that had 10 chairs around it. Only 4 were occupied, two with a man and woman that resembled William, a pretty girl with black hair that had a wave to it, and William himself.

"Oh honey your up," the lady said standing to greet me I smiled and nodded politely even though I don't know why she seems so happy to see me.

"come sit," she said motioning to the seat next to William, we made eye contact. His green eyes staring at my deep brown ones as I made my way over to his side to take a seat. Feeling his eyes linger on me long after I looked away. 

"your so pretty I'm so glad my son got a beautiful mate and not that dirty, dusty, hoein' ass girl he wit now,"

Normally I would laugh but, mate. What does she mean mate?

"Mate?" I questioned genuinely confused.

"oh she doesn't know?" someone questioned from behind us.


hey soooooo this is a filler chapter in the next chapter things will get..... interesting?

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