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As they walked and walked, not stopping even as Raegan's body became exhausted and ravaged, she did everything that she could to talk herself around, to tell herself that she had to be fine with what was going on behind her. After all, they were travelling buddies. Unless she wanted to go off on her own again, she would have to get used to Miguel falling for Hali.

And why wouldn't he? She might've been a witch, but she was stunning, and Raegan had rejected him too many times, she'd pushed him away, consumed with the worry that any romance would lead to them being killed.

I just need to make out that I'm okay, she told herself determinedly. Fake it until I make it.

"Should we rest?" she called behind her, plastering a fake smile on her face.

"Yeah, we could do," Miguel replied, the happiness in his tone like a knife to Raegan's chest. "I don't know about you but I'm feeling shattered."

They found a place to sit for a while, giving their bodies a moment to rest. Hali took the opportunity to use her magic to conjure up some food. Raegan devoured it gratefully, but it was still incredibly hard for her to look at anyone else.

"Are you okay?" Miguel touched her shoulder softly. "You're very quiet."

"Fine," she replied with a clear warning to her voice.

"Are you sure?"


Raegan stepped away from him, trying to create a chasm of distance. The last thing she wanted was to make this awkward for the rest of the journey, so the best thing she could do was keep this to herself.

Then again, she was upset and that was difficult to disguise.

"Hali, could you give us a moment please?"

"Why?" Hali asked Miguel, sounding innocent enough, but her question set Raegan's intuition alight. She was overcome by the terrible sensation that Hali wasn't quite what she first appeared to be, that maybe she wanted to cause trouble here.

"We just need a moment, that's all. Just to talk."

Miguel's cheeks reddened. It seemed like he was finally realizing what a tricky situation he found himself in.

"I'm not stopping you." Hali shrugged and smiled. "You can talk with him here."

Miguel's face glazed over, his eyes turned a funny pale shade. He looked like he was under a trance, and he sounded that way when he spoke as well.

"Yes, that sounds fair. You stay here while we talk."

"No. No way," Raegan snapped. "Whatever you're doing, Hali, stop it. That's not cool. Me and Miguel clearly need a moment to talk alone and you should let us have that."

"Why?" Hali cocked her head and smirked. "For what reason?"

"Just go for a walk. Leave us be."

"But...I want him."

Raegan was blown away, she couldn't believe those words had just come from Hali's mouth. It seemed that at least she could trust her own intuition which was good...she thought.

" want him?"

"I do, and it's best for you to know that I always get what I want."

Hali clicked her fingers, releasing Miguel from her spell, and she span on her heels to stalk off, smug in the knowledge that she had floored Raegan.

"What's going on?" Raegan demanded, her arms folding protectively across her chest. "With you and Hali?"

"Hali?" Miguel glanced behind him. "Nothing. What do you mean? I've only known her for about five minutes."

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