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"So..." Raegan narrowed her eyes at the beautiful angel who was hard to look at through the shine. "How do we get home? If there is this mission for us and we need to rule, then at some point we're going to have to get back there, right? But we've been trying for years and all we end up doing is skipping from place to place, never quite making it."

She shuddered under the power of Miguel's eyes upon her because she knew what he was thinking about...the insane idea that she needed to lead. She couldn't handle that insanity on top of everything else.

That didn't stop her from swinging her hang loosely in his though. After last night, she couldn't let him go now. He was her and she supposed she was his as well.

"There is another way." The angel's voice remained cagey. "But there is a catch."

"A catch?" Of course there was. Raegan shouldn't have expected anything else. It couldn't be easy, could it? "What is it?"

"The first human on Earth must begin leading right away. As it is written."

Raegan tried her hardest to ignore the squeeze of Miguel's touch. He needed to get that idea out of his head immediately.

"But there might be people there already..."

Her father flooded her mind. That was who she wanted to be there, who she believed should lead since he'd already done a great job of being in charge according to her boyfriend.

"If a human had landed on Earth, then they would be in charge. But no one has made that move yet. Some might say fate has intervened to make it the right person."

She rolled her eyes with frustration. "No one is saying the right person is me. I read the ancient text and it didn't say anything specific about me having to do anything. I mean, what if I get it wrong? What if the world ends up a mess once more? The universe as well? It's too much pressure. I can't handle it. I don't think I can..."

Miguel quietened her down by wrapping his arms tightly around her. Much as his hug was comforting, Raegan couldn't shut the self-doubt down. She was confident in her abilities out there in the world, fighting and defending herself, but leading was something else.

"You can do it, Raegan," he whispered delicately into her ears. "I believe in you."

"But fate...fate doesn't tell me anything. There isn't any solid reasoning behind it. Ancient texts don't say that I need to do this, that any of this is right..."

"Shhh." Miguel pressed a delicate finger to her lips. He's always been in awe of her and everything she could do, even now, but this was his time to shine. It was his time to help her. "Don't worry about the long-distance future. Don't concentrate on what's going to happen even tomorrow. Just think one step at a time. Focus on the idea that we can get home at last."

Raegan's body sagged with that knowledge. She couldn't deny how much she wanted to lay her feet on Earth once more. If she closed her eyes, she could recall her last memory there as a young child, clinging onto her father's hand, waiting for it all to end.

Little did she know that it was all about to begin.

"Fine," she replied wearily, unable to believe that she was agreeing to this madness. "Fine, I don't see any other way. We do need to get back, don't we?"

"Exactly." Miguel's' fingers curled around Raegan's cheeks and his forehead rested against hers. "Have faith in yourself. Have faith in me and you. We are a team. We can do this."

She took his hand in hers and nodded in agreement. She might have always been alone until recently, but Miguel was proof that she didn't have to be again. He was here with her through everything, he would always be there for her to lean on. Maybe together, they could survive.

"I just need a moment." Raegan pulled away from Miguel and smiled thinly at the angel. "Do you mind? This is a lot for me to wrap my head around."

Without waiting for an answer, she exited the room, leaving Miguel alone with the ethereal presence. Much as he wanted to follow the woman he loved; he had some questions of his own. He wouldn't ever let Raegan see his doubt, but he needed to be clear.

"Why have humans been chosen to rule?" he asked her cautiously. "There must be someone better. You for example. The angels. You have power and knowledge."

"It is written. What is written must be followed."

Miguel could see why this wasn't enough for Raegan, but if this was what needed to happen then he was willing to try.

"So, we are all just pawns in fate's game," he sighed. "And is Raegan the right choice for ruler? I believe in her, but I don't want to put her through something which will destroy her. Also, how long will humans rule for? What does it say in the ancient text? I don't know if it's okay to ask, but I want to know what's written about that."

The angel smiled knowingly. "It is written that Raegan will rule, yes, even if she can't see it yet. But it isn't something that she will need to do for long."

"Why not?"

"Because the True Ruler will be revealed soon enough."

"True Ruler?" Miguel screwed up his face in confusion. The more questions he asked, the less answers he got. It was starting to frustrate him a little. "Who's that? And you haven't told me how long Raegan, or the human race needs to rule for yet."

"Do you need all the answers right now?" The angel was mysterious, keeping secrets from Miguel, but it seemed to all be for a good reason. "Isn't it best to leave some things as a surprise...?"

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