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"Why is no one here yet?" Raegan groaned as she hung her head over the toilet just in case another wave of vomit came flooding from her. "Why hasn't the angel brought any humans to Earth yet? She said she wasn't going to be long and I need a doctor..."

She couldn't believe her bad luck. After being back at home for only a few days, she had caught what seemed to be a terrible sickness bug, which took her out of action for far longer than she would like. How could she rule with this illness plaguing her? She wasn't getting much decision-making done in the bathroom.

"The angel will be back soon." When Miguel wasn't rubbing Raegan's back and getting her glasses of water to help her feel better, he was doing everything that Raegan wanted to take charge of. He was devouring every document that he could get his hands on in the White House to make sure they had all the information they needed. "Humans will be here before you know it. Things will all get started in time."

"The stress of waiting is killing me." Raegan wiped sweat off her forehead. "Literally."

What she really wanted was her father. She needed Alan Stevens to be back with her after all these years. She assumed the angel would have him back to her within hours, but days had passed and there was still no sign. It was incredibly frustrating.

"You should get back to bed, Raegan. I think you need rest."

Miguel took the glare shot his way because he knew how Raegan was suffering. He hated seeing the strongest woman he knew struggle when there wasn't anything he could do about it. But he had to remain calm, he couldn't allow his anxiety to show, Raegan needed that from him. If she needed to yell at him too, then he was happy to take that as well.

"I don't want to rest." She gladly took the glass of water from him and sucked it back like there was no tomorrow. "I want to know what's going on. I want..."

Miguel understood, but he knew that there was nothing he could say. So, he tucked himself underneath her armpit and took her to the bedroom where it was time for her to lie down, if she wanted to or not. He needed Raegan to rest so she was back on top form as soon as she could be. He needed her, she was the one who could get things done, the universe wanted Raegan back.

"I will do some more reading," he told her gently as she caved to the exhaustion and she finally let her head hit the pillow. "So, I'll be in the next room. Call me if you need me."

"I love you," Raegan whispered as sleep started to come for her. "I love you, Miguel."

She might have been asleep already, but Miguel declared his love for Raegan as well. She didn't need to hear it to know that it was real, but he still adored saying it. Those words felt phenomenal.


What is that noise? Raegan didn't want to be disturbed, not when she was in the middle of the most peaceful dream of her life, but the racket on Earth shook her from her slumber regardless.

"Miguel?" Her voice croaked, it struggled to leave her throat as she propped herself up onto her elbows. "What's going on, Miguel? Is something happening?"

She got nothing back which only piqued her panic. Raegan couldn't remain where she was when the planet that she'd only just gotten back could've been crumbling apart underneath her. Even if every inch of her body ached, she would discover the events unfolding around her. Once upon a time, Raegan Stevens could handle anything, but that was before sickness claimed her.

"Miguel, where are you?" Her hand clapped to her forehead. "Why aren't you here? I need you..."

Just as she could feel herself starting to get really wound up, at the very moment she feared an outburst of rage might erupt from her, a bright glowing light surrounded her and calmed her in an instant.

The angel...this was the angel...did that mean...?

"You're back," she gushed in excitement. "You have come back to us at last. Have you found everyone? Did you manage to find my father? Oh God, please tell me Dad is here because I'm so sick and I can't do it without him anymore. I haven't been this ill since I was with him and a child..."

"No." Raegan's heart sank as the angel shattered her illusion with one soft word. "No, you aren't sick, Raegan. Haven't you worked it out yet? This isn't illness."

She clutched her stomach hard and stated at the angel through her eyelashes. If this wasn't something as simple as illness, then it had to be worse. Perhaps something she had picked up from another world along the way, something which would take her off this world and kill her just as she was starting to adjust to the idea of finally taking over.

"What is it?" she spluttered out, desperately frightened now. "What's happening to me?"

"It is a miracle, dear Raegan. For you are carrying the greatest gift of all. The gift of life."

Gift of life? Okay, this made no sense. Perhaps the virus was causing her to hallucinate or something. She needed to see Miguel so he could straighten out her brain.

"I don't know what you mean..." All of sudden, it hit her hard like a knockout punch to the face. "Oh wow...the gift of you mean I'm pregnant?"

The moment the angel nodded, changing everything for Raegan forever, was the moment her vision pin-holed and her body took a tumble. The universe turned to blackness around her as this overwhelming piece of information damn near consumed Raegan whole.

She was pregnant.

Having a baby.

What did this mean for the future?

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