The date- Hermione Granger

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Do all those things Snape asked us to do? Maybe I will rather be cleaning and working at school next year every day. But he probably doesn't. Or yes? This is horrible. Things like that always happen to me. 

"Hermione, I am with Pansy Parkinson. I am also not very lucky in this stupid punishment Snape gave us, hidding it behind project, Dumbledore take it this way, but how could I be friends with any guys from Slytherin? Especially Pansy?" says Harry, bringing me back to reality from my thoughts.

"Well, at least they can't call you a mudblood. Everyone knows you're pure-blood. But Malfoy stopped call me that way some time ago," I answer. "You're right but, they can call me many other ways. But luckily I don't have to spend time with more than one Slytherin. And, Ron, who are you actually with? I didn't hear it, I slept almost that entire lesson. Snape noticed then and 20 points are gone and it's all my fault," says Harry quickly, ending in a sad tone of his voice. 

"I am with Daphne Greengrass.  I don't really know her much, but she is a friend of Parkinson," says Ron quietly. "Well, she is actually a good-looking girl," says Harry. "Yes, you're  right. Parkinson is also good-looking. But not any girl is more beautiful than Hermione for me," Ron answers proudly. 

I feel myself blushing. "Thanks, Ron," I say quickly. It's Saturday morning now and I am happy, it is finally free day, because we had much homework this week and I also can spend this evening with Ron. We go on our first real date. So I am really glad, trough that I like school.

"What are you gonna do today, guys?" asks Harry. "Well, I am gonna study and read till the lunch and after lunch we could take a walk around Black lake, do you agree?" I suggest. "It is a great idea, but there's a barier, right?" says Ron. "Dear Ron, I already asked Mcgonagall, she said that, we can go there, but we cannot take the water with us," I say. "Sorry, sorry. I didn't ask, because I didn't need to," Ron apologizes.

Next few hours I study and read and talk with girls. Now it's finally the lunch. "Guys, meet me for ten minutes in the common room," I answer and go to my room. 

"Let's go," I say when we meet again.The Black lake is beautiful as always. "Guys, I wanna talk to you about something," says Harry. "Go ahead," I answer. "I fell in love with one beatiful girl. She goes to Gryffindor and I am afraid to ask her out," says Harry. "And, who is that?" asks Ron. "Ron, maybe Harry doesn't wanna tell us. But we won't laugh or anything like that," I say. "Fine, it is Ginny Weasley," Harry says quietly. "My sister? I don't mind if you like her. Actually I think you're the best boyfriend for her," Ron answers. "I think you're great for each other," I agree with Ron. "And Harry, she still talks about you a lot, you should ask her out," says Ron. 

Harry looks like he's thinking and then he says:"You're right, guys. Thanks. I will ask her when we come back."After some time we come back.

 It is six pm now and I we go on a date for an hour. I am nervous. Really nervous. I finally decide to take my red dress and I brush my hair for a few minutes. I think my hair finally looks good now.  I make some makeup and I go out from the bathroom. "Girls, Do I look ok?" I ask. 

I feel nervous about their answer. Instead of it they just stare at me and then Parvati says: "You don't look ok, you look beautiful." Other girls agree with her. "Thank you, guys," I say.

Ron is waiting in the common room. He sits on the couch by his back to me. "Ron, I am here," I say carefully. Ron turns around and looks at me for a few seconds which seem to me like hours. "H-Hermi-one, you look beautiful and I am so glad I can be your boyfriend," says Ron slowly and I am blushing thanks to that and it makes me smile. "Thank you, Ron. Me too," I answer.

Then he takes my hand and we go the Astronomy tower. Since he told me in this place, he loves me, we were there twice. With Harry and the second time on the Astronomy lessons. It's our favourite place. Good for our first date. But we won't spend all evening in there.

We sat on the bench which is there for looking at the starts by telescope. He looks for a while and then I do. "It's beautiful, don't you think?" I ask Ron. "Yeah. Why even not many people come here?" he asks. "I don't know. Probably some people don't even know and others just don't usually come or I don't know. Then we talk about today lessons, our favourite things and other. When I stop answering some question and I look at him just like that, there's suddenly some silence which wasn't  there. He looks at me and kisses me. I feel the warm of his lips again. It is normal, the first time I felt good about this. But now, it is like kissing someone you don't truly fall for. It is normal. Maybe I just imagined to great or I don't know.

We take a walk then and I have to say it was beautiful talk to him alone and enjoy his present. But it also felt like talking to best friend which you can really trust, as for example to Harry, not to someone I would be in love with. Maybe it was like that last few years so it will change for a while.

With this thought that it will change and it is just that we were friends for a long time I fall asleep.

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