The punishment-Draco

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I sit next to Pansy and Blaise. "Hey, guys," I say and look into my plate. Today we have chicken and  potatoes. Good. Then I remember Weasley. How funny he looks when he eats chicken actually, he gobbles it. I have to smirk. Then something makes me look at Gryffindor's table. Weasley is smiling, with Hermione. But why should I care? Not one of my biznis. I quickly look back, because Granger stops smiling and I feel her sight on my back. I quickly start talking with Pansy. 

Then I look there again. Granger is talking with Ginny Weasley this time. Potter holds Ginny Weasley's hand. Oh, how awesome. Gryffindors are all the same. Perfect for each other. I smirk again. "Pans, who are you with for that project?" I ask. "With the awesome boy who lived," says Pansy ironically. "And where have you been this entire morning and before lunch, actually?" asks Pansy. "I have been with Granger," I try to say it unhappily. "Really? What did you guys do? I wasn't with Potter yet, I should probably talk to him tommorow," says Pansy. "Well, she learned me Expecto Patronum and I learned some spell for a fight" I say. "Ok, did you like it or did you barely survived?" laughs Pansy. What to answer? "Well, it wasn't that horrible as if I would be with Potter. She luckily didn't have those "smart" notes all the time," I answer, doing quotation marks when I say "smart". "Yeah, her notes used to be annoyning in the first grade," laughs Pansy. I guess I didn't lie that much. Because I truly liked spending time with her. I shouldn't, but I did. I feel real with her. I feel truly myself at all the ways, when she's around, but I realized that when those "auras" started to connect. How? But I don't wanna tell anyone. It's not right that I feel this way. 

After lunch and talking with Pansy, Blaise and Daphne I go to find The Bloody Baron. I think Blaise kind of dates Daphne now. I am walking already for twenty minutes, but I don't find him. Then I hear a voice. "Are you looking for something, boy? May I help you?" says that voice. It's him. Finally. "Yes, I am. Actually I was looking for you, Bloody Baron, I wanna ask you something," I say. "Go ahead, young Slytherin," says The Bloody Baron. "I know about Esusia and that your real name was Felix Hamilton," I say. "How can you know that? Who told you?" asks Baron surprisingly. "The headmaster Dumbledore told me. My patronus is an eagle. He told me to ask you about Esusia and also to ask The Grey Lady," I answer. "Are you telling me the truth? How can I trust you?" he asks angrily. I take my wand and scream "Expecto Patronum!" Suddenly there is an eagle and  light around me. "Do you believe me, already?" I ask and smirk. "How is this possible?" he asks more himself, than me. "I have no idea," I answer trough that. "Please tell me about her, I found it out, today," I say. "Alright boy," he says. "Esusia was a beautiful girl. She had the same grey eyes as you do, but there was a bit green in it. Her dark hair was as dark as the darkest night. Her skin was light. Very light. Me and my sister Shannon, she is the ghost in Beauxbatons, we were her best friends. Shannon is a ghost in there because, when Esusia died, she changed the school. She saw her everywhere, so she left. I didn't change the school. My sister died in Beauxbatons, she was sick, there was no medicine for her illness. We didn't talk to each other. This entire time after Esusia's death I regreted that I didn't love her back, I realized I did. But Helen's beauty haunted me in my dreams, it was like a curse. I lost my best friend and also my twin. I started to talk more with Esusia's cousin. We happened great friends. Yeah, Esusia was special and awesome, I loved spending time iwth her, but then I fell in love with Helen. I don't even remember how that happened. So, boy, Esusia was the best person I met in my entire life. It was too late, when I realized. When I went to Albania to find Helen, I didn't love her anymore. She said she won't come back and she said bad things about Esusia. Then my rage controled and I killed her. When she was dying, she said:"Felix, I said those things, because I never was better than her. Esusia was awesome. Please, forgive me." I answered:"I forgive you." Then I killed myself, because I was guilty. I couldn't live with it.  Now I am here. This is my story, with Esusia," he ends his story. "Well, thank you very much. But in history is that you said Helen how much you love her and she didn't go with you, so you killed her. Is that a lie?" I ask. "Yes, it is a lie. People covered the truth, as they have it nowdays," he says. "Thank you very much, I don't really know why this eagle choose to be my patronus," I say. "Boy, I think I know why. In your eyes is the same things as in hers. That sparkle. Boy, you are special. Remember this. And the eagle choose you, because you are as special as she is. Maybe you have some special task to do here. Have a nice day, boy," says The Bloody Baron. "Thank you, Baron. You too have a nice day," I say and walk away.

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