c h a p t e r o n e

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the picture above
name: Ayla
age: 16
height: 5'2; 62 inches
Ethnicity: Colombian, Dominican, and Salvadorian

the guy in this story who's name is Chris doesn't have an assigned person. I can't find a guy who I want to fit this role, well I can but it's not anyone famous so that'd be weird. So I'm leaving it to your imagination. Except these minor details I want him to have
Age: 18
Name: chris
Height: 6'1
Ethnicity: Colombian


High school parties. I remember growing up, seeing high school parties in movies and reading about them, and wanted to go to one so bad. Younger me would be so disappointed.

I'm currently at a high school party that's been going on for, only god knows how long, sitting in the kitchen with nothing to do. The music and voices are far too loud for me to conversate with anyone, and I'm definitely not dancing.

I definitely look like the 'loner girl' sitting alone in the kitchen with nothing but a drink in hand. It's almost 1 in the morning and I wanna go home.

"Ayla, h-hey umm, I think I'm gonna be, hiccup, going home with, Jason." My friend said to me when she walked into the kitchen. Very evidently drunk.

"Daniela, you're drunk. I don't wanna just let you leave with a random guy." Ladies, Never leave a party without your friends unless you know their in good hands.

"Oh don't worry, he is completely sober and isn't gonna do anything, you know unless I request." Daniela had a sheepish smile on her face, giggling like crazy.

I looked up at Jason who was propping her up so she doesn't face plant the floor. I knew Jason very well actually and he was a great guy. We used to be best friends but just grew apart. I honestly trust that he has good intentions.

"Alright, but call me once you're there." I gave her a small smile. "Make sure she calls me please." I looked up at Jason.

"Yeah of course." He nodded and started walking off with her.

"Wait wait wait, I need to give her a hug man." Daniela moved out of his grasp nearly falling to the floor but making her way to me giving me. Hug. In the process she managed to make the drink I had in my hand fall all over me. Thanks Daniela.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." Daniela said between laughs. She was drunk so I didn't get mad, wouldn't do much anyways.

"It's fine, just hurry on." I smiled and waved her off. When she was gone, I looked around the kitchen trying to find something to clean myself up, but failed. High school kids are messy.

I decided to go upstairs and try to find a bathroom. This seemed to be a very expensive house, being that there were about a million rooms. Every room I opened so far was occupied by horny drunk teens, including the bathroom. So I decided to just search for an empty room that might have its own.

I finally found a room and quickly slipped in. I looked around the room and quickly noticed that whoever's room this was, was a very neat person. I could tell it was a guys room due to the partially opened dresser with boxers peaking out. Other than that I couldn't have known because it was a weirdly neat room.

I went farther into the room but was startled when the door was swung open. A tall, extremely Attractive man walked in. He was dressed in a white t shirt, black jeans, and an orange hoodie sitting on top of messy curls. Once he noticed me he closed to the door and quickly placed himself in front of me, practically pushing me against the edge of the bed.

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