c h a p t e r t w o

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The light being turned on woke me up from my sleep. I propped myself up and look towards the door to see who woke me up. Chris was stumbling around the room taking off an item of clothing with every step he took.

When he noticed me looking at him with a confused expression he stopped.

"Ha, I forgot you were here sorry." He motioned to turn the light off but fell before he could. I pushed the blankets off of me and got up to help him.

Once he was back on his feel with only his shirt and boxers on, he went to take them off.

"Hey hey, what do you think your doing? You will not be sleeping naked." I crossed my arms.

"B-but it's more comfortable that way." He pouted in the cutest way possible.

"I don't care. I'm sleeping here too."

He huffed and only took off his shirt and threw himself on the bed. He was taking up pretty much the entire bed now with only a little space left for me.

"Really?" I pushed his arm trying to make more space.

"What? Your tiny, you can fit" he stretched his body even more covering the entire bed.

"I don't know you. I would prefer space between us." I grabbed a pillow and used it to push him over a little.  Once I had enough room I quickly got on the bed with the pillow in between us.

"Is the pillow really necessary?" He looked over to me.

"Yes, I don't know you." I sat up and grabbed my phone to check the time. 3:24am. Cools.

"Don't you wanna cuddle with a Handsome stranger?" He reaches over the pillow and placed his hand on my thigh.

I quickly swatted it away. "No I'm good."

"Your nipples really say otherwise."

I looked down and realized that you could pretty much see all of my boobs through this white and very thin shirt. I quickly covered my chest again and blushed like crazy.

I turned to my other side and covered myself with the blanket. All I could hear was chris' laughs.

"Im sorry I had to." He said still laughing. After a while I turned on my back with the covers still over me just staring at the ceiling.

"How do your nipples get hard so fast? Are you a virgin or something cause I literally didn't do anything?" He asks so casually.

I felt my cheeks heat up again and quickly put my hands to my face to try and make it go away being my hands are very often cold.

"I don't know, their just like that. J-just stop talking about it." I brought the blanket up covering half of my face.

"You didn't answer the virgin part." He moved to his side with his head resting on his hand which was propped up against the bed.

"None of your business."

"Oh my god you are. How in the world are you a virgin? You've got the tiniest waist, curviest body, cutesy little boobs, and your just gorgeous. Not saying that's all that matter but that's gotta attract some attention."

"I don't know." I quickly responded and closed my eyes, bringing the blanket over my head. Honestly I didn't. I didn't think virginity was such a big deal either. I always assumed that I was gonna lose it to someone I didn't really know, a one night stand or something. Thought that would be easier.

I felt the blanket getting lowered. When I opened my eyes, chris was just staring at me.  
I gave him a 'um excuse me?' Look and he just shook his head.

"Sit up." He firmly said.

"What?" I looked over at him.

"Sit up." He repeated.

I don't know why, but I did. I brought the blanket up with me, covering all of me. He reached over to take he blanket from my grasp, I held on to it tighter but let go when he gave me a reassuring look.

"Have you ever been.. you know, touched?"

"Um, n-no." I looked at my lap.

"Have you ever touched yourself?"

"Mm-mm." I shook my head no.

"Can I?" He sweetly asked.

"What?" I quickly looked up at him in disbelief. Was he joking?

"I know you don't know me like that but I want to so bad. Who knows, we might not ever see each other again anyways. What's the harm?" He gave me a faint smile.

"I don't know how I feel about losing my virginity to a stranger." Yes, that's how I thought it would happen, but right now it feels weird.

"Oh no, I'm not gonna do that. Just, touch you." He put his hand on my shoulder.

"Um, if not I understand and we can just go to sleep. No pressure or anything. I don't usually just try to seduce strangers and all that but I just couldn't resist. I jus-"

I cut him off by saying yes.

"What?" He looked up fast.


"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yeah. Just please don't be surprised if I'm bad or anything, I've never done anything like this."  I looked down feeling embarrassed.

"It's okay." He laughed.

"What do I do?" I bit my lip.

"Not that."


"Your lip. Don't bite it. I'm not trying to fuck you right now but if you keep biting your lip I just might have too."

My cheeks started to heat up once again, and I placed my hand on my face to try and stop it. I felt him grab my hands and bring them down.

"Your cute when you blush, don't try to hide it." He looked into my eyes. I just nodded.

"Alright now come here."

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