c h a p t e r t h r e e

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"Alright now come here."

I got up to my knees and made my way closer to him. He grabbed the bottom of his shirt that I was wearing and started to lift it up. I wasn't wearing a bra so when it was off my first instinct was to cover myself.

Before I could he grabbed my hands and brought them down.

"Don't cover up. Not for me."

He brought his hands up to my stomach and started running them around my torso. He took his hand off for a second and I immediately craved his touch once again.

He placed his hand on my boob and pinched my nipple. The feeling was sensational and actually made me jump a bit, which he chuckled at.

"Lay down." He moved the covers out of the way leaving space for me to lay down. The second my back touched the bed he immediately climbed on top of Me. He started kissing my lower belly and made his way up to in between my breast.

He sort of looked up at me for permission, which I gave and look my nipple into his mouth. I immediately reacted grabbing the sheets in my hand tightly, I went to put my hand on my stomach to sort of calm myself down but he took both of my hands and propped them over my head. Just one of his hands were big enough to hold both of mine so he did, taking the other hand and holding my waist.

He then brought his face up to meet mine and softly kissed my lips. The soft kiss quickly turned into a heavy make out. Once again, after the make out he started kissing down my body. I touched the hem of my panties.

"May I?" He looked up at me.

"Yes." I said almost a whisper.

He waisted no time. He quickly took my panties off spread my legs. I couldn't help but bite my lip, good thing he didn't notice cause I don't think I could handle that. He brought his hand and touched my slit.

"Fuck, your so wet."


He started moving his fingers around, the feeling was unfamiliar and crazy. He then took his thumb and placed on the spot.

I quickly brought my hand to my mouth, more like slapped it over my mouth trying to keep in the embarrassing moan that was threatening to escape in.

"Don't worry about being loud. The party is still going on and the door is locked." I almost forgot that there was still a party happening. It was probably almost 4 in the morning and I don't think it's gonna end anytime soon.

I did as I was told and let the moan out. I looked down and saw he had a smug little smile on his face. He continued rubbing the spot making me crazy. A knot built up in my stomach and Oh boy it felt amazing.

"Can I taste you?" He stopped for a second. Looked down at him confused but quickly realized what he meant. I just craved the feeling again so bad I said yes. He was fucking torturing me every time he stopped.

He pushed himself further down and put his arms under my legs, rapping around them. My chest was rising up and down so fast I thought I might explode. He kissed my inner thigh teasing me, making me wait longer to feel him. I had never felt this way before and I didn't want it to stop.

"Stop it." I looked down at him. "Stop Doing that."

"What am I doing?" He innocently said kissing my thigh again.

"Stop making me wait. Please. Stop." I practically begged.

"Rodger that."

He took all of me into his mouth. The feeling is unexplainable. The knot in my stomach was getting bigger and bigger by the second and I just needed to let go. As he was doing his thin down there, he reached up and started caressing my boobs too.

Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit.

orgasm? Never knew her, until right now.

"Oh my god." Is all I could say.

He took the covers and placed them on top of my body. I tried to get up and move back into the spot I was going to sleep but immediately stopped in my tracks as soon as I moved. Everything down their felt a little extra sensitive if you know what I mean. It didn't hurt and I wasn't sore it was just an unfamiliar feeling that I needed to wait a second for it to disappear.

He noticed what was happening and chuckled again.

"You're so innocent." He whispered to himself as he helped me move from this side of the bed to the other by picking me up completely. He then got up and went to turn off the light.

"Wait." I interrupted. "Shouldn't I um, like do something, you know... for you?" I asked as I noticed the literal raging boner he had when he got up.

"Haha. No it's fine, just sleep." He shrugged

I guess he wouldn't want a first timer to do that anyways. Does he really think I'll be that bad, oh my god what if I was embarrassing or something.

I guess he noticed the panicked look on my face as I was thinking and quickly responded.

"Oh no, it's not cause you were bad or anything, it's definitely not cause I don't want you to, trust me, I want you to. It's just your first time and I don't wanna overwhelm you or anything." He reassured me.

"oh, okay?" I laid down on my side. The light flickered off and I felt a dip on the other side of the bed. I then felt a hand wrap around my waist. His hands were freezing which caused me to flinch for a second.

"Woah, I'm not gonna hurt you or anything." He quickly Backed away.

"It's not that, your hands are really cold." I turned around so I was facing him.

"Ohh Sorry." He started rubbing his hands together to warm them up. "Is it fine if I cuddle you or are you just gonna do me like that after I gave you your first orgasm?" He smirked and raised one of his eyebrows.

I giggled and turned back around, backing into him as he put his hand around my waist. I could feel him boner on my thigh but decided not to say anything. I then drifted off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2019 ⏰

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