5th note

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"wow tenn you never said that you're a real angel when you're sleeping with nanase" gaku said giving their annoyed center a playful smirk "shut the hell up gaku" tenn said sipping his coffee"You really missed sleeping with him why did you make it harder for us to convince you.... You could've said yes when I7 members asked you to" gaku continued "gaku that's enough go finish up your breakfast"ryuu scolded him he let out a smirk and tenn looked at him with a killing intent.I7 watch this as they sweatdropped 'This is TRIGGER right?...... ' that's what was all in their head

"Re:vale HAS ARRIVED EVERYONE!!!!!" momo said as they barged into the dorms "Momo keep it down this is not your house" his partner yuki said "sorry minna he's just excited" yuki explained as they entered the room "Ah! Momo-san! Yuki-san! Welcome! " Mitsuki greeted them followed by the others all of them just finished eating and they are ready to go "seems that all of you are ready now! Shall we go then! " Momo said leading the other idols out of the I7 dorms to their transport bus where their managers are waiting for them

Once all are seated rinto started driving. The idols are randomly chatting and teasing tsumugi worriedly looked at riku,when riku saw her he let out a bright smile giving his manager the assurance his manager sighed and smiled back before reading their scheds. After half an hour they stopped chattering, the mezzo duo, Nagi, Yuki and Ryuu fell asleep and left the Izumi brothers, Gaku,Momo and the twins awake and doing their own thing "Hey tenn I heard that you and riku slept together last night...... HOW ADORABLE! " momo said "w-who told you momo-san!? " riku asked blushing "well.... " momo glanced at gaku who is smirking "gaku......... " tenn said twitch appeared "why can't you be the 18 year old tenn that I saw last night.... You're cute that way.... I could even change my mind calling you bratt" gaku said "So you want me to call you onii-chan and hug you until you suffocate? " tenn said acting like a cute little sister "stop it bratt..... You act cute but your words are not" gaku said rolling his eyes the izumi brothers sweatdropped "please stop fighting you'll wake the others" mitsuki repriminded

They kept silent until they heard a yawn coming from a certain red haired boy "you could sleep nanase-san..... I dont think that we'll get there sooner" iori said "kaaaay~" riku cutely replied "What a cute person" iori murmured "did you say something iori? "momo asked "ehem....it's nothing" the teen said everting his eyes from the others slightly blushing "you're not honest at all" mitsuki said to his brother
Not after a long while all of them are fast asleep

*bzzzt* *bzzzzt* riku's phone vibrated indicating that he recieved a message.The red haired slowly opened his eyes and checked his phone.
Sender: EYYYY i heard ur coming back! Rui's hair grew a bit..... And as a good friend i'll braid his hair nicely for his prince!<<33
He sighed and replied 'don't make fun of him! " and sent it back he looked at the view..... He can't deny the fact that he missed them...and in few minutes he'll see them again......

"everyone we're almost there! " rinto said banri woke up after hearing this and quickly woke up the managers, as riku heared this he shaked tenn's shoulder "tenn-nii wake up we're almost there" he said and tenn slowly opened his eyes the managers did the same until all of them are awake "THAT WAS A NICE SLEEP" tamaki exclaimed "You are sleeping in the entire ride" iori deadpanned "prepare yourselves everyone we're here" banri announced as they are approaching a big building.

As they got out the bus they were greeted by the guard "Good afternoon everyone welcome to Tsukino Prod" the attendant said "G-good afternoon! We're here to meet Tsukino prod's president! " Tsumugi said "Very well... I was informed that you'll arrive here... I'll take you all there now... He's waiting for your arrival" the attendant said then nagi took her hand "Oh girl I hereby give my utmost thanks for welco--" "STOP IT YOU DORK! " and mitsuki spatted him "oooww" nagi patted his poor head and the attendant chuckeled "shall we go then? " she walked inside and they followed her. Along the way they met some idols of Tsukino Prod "wow they are very big..... But why is it that they're not that popular? " gaku asked others looked at him "G-gaku you shouldnt say that
here you know! " ryuu said "why not? " gaku said and the others facepalmed "Haha..... It's fine... Actually our prod's talents are very popular...one of the idol groups here, are on a tour... But we dont join contests such as JIMA that made you known" the attendant said "also our field of job is not like yours...." she added and the idols nodded and they silently entered the elevator "But I could tell that your agency is amazing" banri said "thank you! " the attendant said and they exited the elevator and the attendant lead them on a door "this is the meeting room the president is waiting inside" the attendant said after knocking the door

"Oh you're here welcome! " "hmmmm they're not bad" the two man standing side by side said "Welcome IDOLISH7, TRIGGER and Re:vale" the man sitting between them said "My name is Makoto Tsukino the president of Tsukino prod" he said and they all bowed "Thanks for having us here" they all said "shall we begin? " the man asked


Hi again minnaa.....today is jan 25 and it's iori's bdaaaay!!!!thanks for the comments and votes i really appreciated it<<33

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