18th note

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"Everyone listen up! We have an announcement!" Rinto said to the guest groups who are eating breakfast
"Wait where's procella and six gravi? " Tsukishiro asked
"They said they'll go somewhere together but didn't mention where" Momo answered
"well they're all free until their afternoon practice and night works" Dai said
"Anyways our president already gave you a song it's titled Hello Future World" Tsukushiro said handing Banri the copies which he also distributed
"It's a good song! " Sougo said
"How about.... " Mitsuki wanted to ask byt all of I7 looked at each other
"Iku knows what to do and I also scheduled some time for him to practice with you" Dai said
"But is'nt it too much work for him?" Iori asked
"It's alright all of them got used to a very hectic sched ever since they entered" Dai said
"Still.... " Mitsuki said softly as he looked down
"It's fine he knows how to take care of himself and he's the most energetic member of procella.... Even his image says so...He's a grown man now" Dai explained with a proud expression a dad would give to his son.
"What he wants to tell is that Kannaduki-kun can handle things like this considering he's part of our prod" Tsukishiro said
All of them looked at each other
"You know about hus condition right? " Sougo asked
"Condition?.....Ah that... Well I'm worried about that but I have faith with my children" Dai said
Seems that they're contented with the answer they just nodded
"W-well he'll be with us so i'll make sure he won't push himself! " Tsumugi assured
"Thanks manager" Yamato smiled at her
"I'll make sure to  monitor him too" He continued
"Finally you're being a responsible man ossan" Mitsuki teased their leader
"cut it off mitsu... Besides it's riku were talking bout here" he said
"Would it trouble you if we'll do some frequent breaks in case? " Banri asked the 2 other groups
"Nope!  Me and Yuki will be more happy if our kouhais are in good condition!" Momo said
"He's right besides it could add more time to think of something for our performance" Ryuu said
"Oh they did said that we could add something on our performance! " Momo said
"I'm ok with it but I don't know about this perfectionist  brat over here" Gaku looked at tenn
"I won't mind since all of them agreed and yes it could be used to think of something for the performance" Tenn said giving Gaku a death glare which was ignoted by the latter
"Just say that you're worried about him geez" Gaku said smirking
"Shut your mouth gaku or you just want to agree so that you could flirt with someone" tenn said with his sinister smile
"The hell with you brat you're giving me chills with your smile" Gaku said
"ehem can you boys stop that everytime were on a meeting? " Anesagi said and the 2 immediately apologized
" see you tomorrow we have to go to discuss something for the production of this peoject" Tsukushiro said
"Hai! " all of them bowed

Meanwhile Procella and six gravi are actually on their secret practice

"The song is good and we're doing good with the choreo too! " Kakeru said as he wiped a sweat
"Except that you're clumsy as always that we have to redo some steps" Arata said
"I-it's not my fault alright!? " Kakeru exclaimed as he blushed out of embarrasment
"This spot is good how did you find this? " Aoi asked
"Me and Ikkun kinda wandered and we accidentaly got lost and found this on our 2nd day here" Rui said
"ahhh so nostalgiiccc That time we were worried because you came back late" You said
"So that's what it was" Haru giggled
"I'll. Miss you guys" Hajime said as he smiled
Some of them smiled sadly
"well there's always another cloud in the same sky" Shun said
"Enough of the drama let's get back to practice"
All of them raised their fist in the air
"YES! "


i'll update soon sooo watch out UwU
I was so touched when some of you still waited for an update and I thought no one is actually waiting but thank you guuuysss TTwTT

Also there'll be a collaboration between

Me, MihoNanase and RukiAyanokoji  UwU
It'll be a holloween one-shots special where each of us will publish a one-shot
And  the references are from the local tv shows in our country lmao

Please do check them out on November (。’▽’。)♡


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