23rd note

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As the final concert is nearing Riku is somewhat too busy, other than his bday month celebration together with Reina

He is busy with  certain matter too

All of the guest groups noticed this so one night when iku came after his work

They decided to talk to him

Sougo knocked to his door, hearing the other's approval he opened it

Revealing riku (without iku's wig and contacts) 

"what brings you here sougo-san?  Something matter? " he asked as he fixed his hair

"you are unusually too busy right now" sougo said helping him adjust some unruly parts of his hair

Riku sat still while he let sougo fix his hair

"Y-yeah.... Well there's iku's birth month celebration and I have to do a birthday concert with Reina-chan"

He said and he sighed

"mmm.... " sougo nodded and put his hands down

"Is there a problem? " riku asked

Sougo sighed "Is there anything you are working on except for your final concert and birthday? " he asked

"............." riku looked away

"I knew you can't lie to me" sougo said and smiled genuinly

"Sougo-san they sent you to talk to me right? " riku asked

"w-well.... Y-yes..... They can't let iori because the talk won't go the way they want it... They don't want to send kujou-san because they're worried that the talk might turn for the worse" sougo said remembering how he was forced to have. a chat with riku

"geez..... Fine i'll tell. You.... I'm actually planning to reveal my 2identities in public" riku said as he smiled

"I wanna be truthful to procella's and my fans before i'll. End iku's career so i've been working on for a presscon" he said as he smiled sadly

"what about kannaduki-san?  Your adoptive father I mean" sougo asked

" he still adopted me legally so i'm still kannaduki iku/riku
I can use both since both names are legal.....i'll be still Nanase Riku onstage after all of this but I'm. kannaduki Riku/iku in my papers and such" He explained

"aren't you pushing yourself? " sougo asked

"I'm gaining stamina and my body is getting used to being healthy......I learned that if I stop taking that drugs it'll improve my original health because my body adapted to it" he said

"ohhh. That's great news isn't it?  But still.... All. Of us are worried about you" he said

"hahaha... I'm fine sougo-san... You should have fun while you are here.... I'm having tons of fun being here even though this'll be the last time" he said

"it's late get to sleep now....goodnight riku-kun" sougo patted his head and smiled

"thanks sougo-san! " riku hugged sougo

"R-riku-kun??? " sougo flushed because of the young man's actions

"I kinda miss being with you all so sorry I haven't spent more time with you all" he said

"so i'm glad that you checked on me! " riku said and smiled brightly

"hahahaha..... All of us are worried so don't push yourself so much... Have fun with procella and six gravi as you can because this is your last" sougo said

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