20th note

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"So......what do you wanna talk about boys? " Kanna said eyeing all of them
"We need you to tell us more about Kannaduki Iku" Tenn said firmly
Kanna sighed and sat infront all of them
They are currently in I7's floor living room
"Fine but there'll ve details that you should ask to him directly" Kanna said and shooked her head that made all of them confused"Actually nevermind... I'll tell you everything since shun told me that he's at it again" Kanna said
"How was he adopted? " Tenn asked
I believe he tald you all that but Kinou-san wants to help him with his condition.after he was adopted your parents never claimed him anymore, who knows where the hell they are now" Kanna said
"why did he kept his name riku when he entered Takanashi prod? " Iori asked
"He entered takanashi to see his twin brother, he wants to fullfill Nanase Riku's dream and also to find his parents" Kanna said
All of them looked at each other
"Why is he that healthy? " Yamato said adjusting his glasses
"I mean how can he do extreme things! He has an asthma so why? " He continued
"It's because of his meds, the day he decided to enter Tsukino prod, he wanted to make hus father, Kinnou-san proud even telling him that he doesn't need to but that silly child.... He took the oppurtunity to be the subject of a new drug, a drug that could make a person healthy within extreme periods of time, he's the fastest runner in here and it's because he trained his body to get used to the drug..... In other terms he agreed to be the experimental subject for a new drug and forced the drug to get along with his body" She said and sighed

All. Of them got shocked of what they just heard
They can't believe it!  Riku did that!?  For what!?
"Why is he doing this? Why didn't you stopped him? "Tenn said with hint of anger and worry in his eyes
"He wants this also... Being a subject for a drug comes with a contract that if he accepted....he won't back out anymore" She said smiling sadly

"He stopped using the drug when he entered Takanashi prod and changed his name into Nanase Riku...and because the contract is only for Ikkun.... It's the reason why he kept having attacks as Riku but when he's Ikkun.... He's as good as healthy boy.. Even more than that" she continued

"Why did he agreed to be a subject? " Iori asked
"He said he's sick of being sick all the time even if he has a new identity.He said he doesn't want to be a burden twice" she explained.
"Riku.... " Mitsuki said
"He knows why you left because he heard bout it" kanna continued
Tenn's eyes was covered by his hair so they didn't quit see his reaction but based on how he acts. He seems so sad and disappointed to himself
"So it was my fault huh" Tenn still head down
"Everyone on Procella knows about this right? Why didn't they stopped him? " Yamato asked
"They are... Why do you think they decided to disband after finding new passions and jobs? They forced Ikkun to accept Takanashi-san's offer and sooner when they knew how well riku is doing in I7 they decided to disband and take another paths..... Also same goes to SixGravi when 2 of their members also decided to take stage dramas" Kanna explained

"So that's how it is" Ryuu said

"This groups are just made to let us meet and direct us to our new paths and dreams..... Iku wants to be an idol but his real dream is not here...... It's with you guys" Shun said as he entered
"Same goes to SixGravi...all of us are fated to meet and lead us to our real dreams and passions.... It's not like we want to disband but...... It'll be for the best..... This 5 years are just a stimulation and preparation for the real deal" Hajime said

"I didn't call you guys to be a speaker while I explain things to them" Kanna sighed "Why are you 2 here anyways?" Kanna asked
"We were about to talk with the leader about the concert since we decided to include them to 'that'" Shun winked
"ooohhhh exciiitiingggg" Kanna giggled
"seems that you're still talking to them.... Well now sorry for interrupting" Hajime said
"Kujou,He knows you situation and we're trying our best to stop him from using his meds, we tried talking to him to stop because   using that drug would definitely take a toll on his body" Shun explained
"But he's  too stubborn" tenn replied
"hahaha as expected of his twin"shun giggled
"just meet us in procella's living room after your talk" They waved goodbye and exited I7's floor

"So that meds that I sas in his room are the drugs? " Tenn said softly but kanna heard it anyways
"You entered his room? Without him knowing??? " She asked
"Yes... "Tenn looked away
"Bold of you to do that " kanna smirked
Tenn tched and kanna stood up "It's better if you talk to him well then I should go~" kanna jogged out of the room
All occupants left in the room looked at each other
"To think that he did that.... He must really want to see you tenn" ryuu said and the latter nodded
"why don't we give him a present for his bday! " Tamaki said erasing the tension inside the room
"Good idea tamaki-kun! " Sougo said as he smiled
"well then let's tell procella and Sic gravi so we could help them" momo said and they smiled
They'll do anything for the person who always make them smile

An update before I disappear agaiiinn~

Heyoo guys I won't be updating for a while because I'll be focusing on our competition for  next week..... It'll be held in another city so I'll be inactive by then.... See you by December then? Since we'll be back by December 1 hehehehe.....

Another delay so I'm sorry in advance but promise I'll make it up after all this!

Check out "The red wishing star" it's an I7 one shot story I made for Halloween! It was a 3 author collab!  Check out their works too!

You'll see them there!


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